Friday, October 25, 2013

Hammacher Schlemmer Personalized Holiday Greeting Outdoor Projector Review...

Looking for the perfect Christmas gift? Well look no further, Hammacher Schlemmer has tons of perfect gifts! Click on the boxes below to see a few great ideas...

Now I am super excited to tell you about their Personalized Holiday Greeting Outdoor Projector!!

This is the outdoor display projector that showcases a personalized holiday message on your home in honor of any season or occasion. Exclusive to Hammacher Schlemmer, this projector comes with 12 colorful disks to commemorate most major holidays (see for complete list), plus an included slide-making kit.

Used with a simple online tool and any computer printer, the kit lets creative homeowners personalize the message displayed on their homes, garage doors, and driveways with their own images and text.

The weather-proof housing conceals a 55-watt halogen light bulb for a display six times brighter than typical projectors. Projects clear images from 3' to 30' wide, from a distance of 6' to 40' away. Includes enough printer materials to create 20 customized disks.

We love that this was quick and easy to put together. Our home is the center of attention now with these fun images we have displayed on our garage! Check out the really cute Halloween one we have up right now...

We can't wait to feature the different disks each month! The happy birthday design is really cute too. My hubby and boys think the eagle one is super cool. Our favorite part is that we can also make personalized ones! I was thinking this would make a perfect family gift that all ages would love as well. Hammacher Schlemmer has tons of fun, high quality gift ideas so make sure and visit them to see more! They are also on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

Another awesome thing about this company is their unconditional and unwavering promise that their merchandise is guaranteed for life! Click on the box below to read more about it!

Thank you very much Hammacher Schlemmer for the AMAZING products and customer service!
DISCLAIMER: *I do not receive any money for my posts. I do however receive the review products at no charge to evaluate and express my opinion.*  


  1. Cool I want one of these!!!

  2. Tammy it's brilliant you will LOVE it!! ;)

  3. Thanks soo much for this review!!! love shopping for Christmas!!!

  4. Me too Angela shopping is the BEST!! :)

  5. Oh I have seen these on peoples garages before and wondered where you can get them. I will have to for sure check out the site and shop. I also love shopping!

  6. Whenever I want to find the perfect gifts I can always count on you Shauna! Thanks this is really neat love it! (:
