Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Yonanas Review...

My family is super excited to tell you all about Yonanas! With this amazing machine we can make delicious, creamy, low-cost, healthy frozen treats in just minutes! 

This Yonanas maker turned our over-ripe bananas into a delicious and creamy treat that looks and tastes like soft serve ice cream. There are so many fun things you can make with frozen fruit in this fantastic machine! 

Now we get to use 100% frozen fruit to make a healthy treat that the whole family loves!

I love that it's really easy it to clean after. My favorite part is that the Yonanas components are dishwasher safe!

Watch the video above to see it in action.
Our finished desserts we made turned out creamy and so heavenly! Fat free, dairy free, guilt free we love it! Next time we plan to add toppings, the flavor combinations are endless. This makes such yummy desserts and would also make a perfect gift that anyone would love :) Thanks again Yonanas for the incredible product!!

Disclaimer: *I do not receive any money for my posts. I do however receive the review products at no charge to evaluate and express my opinion.*


  1. Thanks for the review. I now plan to get this for my wife for Christmas.

  2. Looks great... I'll look into getting one

  3. I have a wedding coming up that I could not think of what to get them. Now thanks to your awesome review Shauna I know just the perfect gift to get! A Yonanas machine it is ;)

  4. I love this Yonanas machine that turns fruit into yummy desserts! Love this review :)thanks for it! It is healthy and low fat!! I will look out for this :)

  5. We bought a Yonana over the summer...I don't know how it does it, but man, it really truly makes everything SO creamy! We had a strawberry banana dessert just yesterday. :-)

  6. My family would love this! What a great product thanks for telling us about it!

  7. I'm always looking for new ways to give my kids healthy desserts, this sounds wonderful!

  8. Healthy snacks? Great idea thanks!
