Friday, May 4, 2012


Today THE AVENGERS comes out in theaters! I thought this would be a movie just the boys would like when we went to the screening Tuesday night. I was wrong... I LOVED it!!!

THE HULK IS SO-OOO COOL! He reminds me of one of my boys that used to take his shirt off when he was little to flex for us and he would say... "See I have muscles just like the Hulk." haha (If you know me and my boys, then you will know which one of my boys that is :)

I'm not going to ruin it for those of you that have not seen it by writing spoilers, but this is a movie you will NOT want to miss! My hubby loved the fight between Thor and Iron Man. He is already wanting me to go see it again with him.

If you liked any of the other Marvel movies like Iron Man, Thor, Captain America or Hulk you'll love this movie!

It was amazing watching THE AVENGERS in 3D! The special effects are phenomenal and we loved the humor and action in it! Make sure you stay in your seats until after the credits because there is an extra scene at the very end. Let me tell you one more time... THE HULK IS SO-OOO COOL!

Disclaimer: *I do not receive any money for my posts. I did receive screening tickets for this movie at no charge to evaluate and express my opinion.*


  1. YAHOO can't wait to take my boys to see this!

  2. This movie is SO AWESOME! I loved it! I will see it a couple more times in theaters then get it on Blu-ray when it comes out for sure.

  3. Loved this great review!!! I love the movie clip in your post!!!! :) Very good to read about this awesome film--can't wait until it comes out over here!!! I will go see it!!!!

  4. COOL post! Got me excited to see this!

  5. SWEET can't wait to see this TONIGHT!
