Friday, December 9, 2011

Serving Others This Holiday Season was a HUGE success again this year...

I am so excited to report back to all of you that our Serving Others This Holiday Season was a HUGE success again this year! Many families were touched and got to have a Christmas this year thanks to all your help!

Here are some of the people and companies that helped make this happen listed below...

Thank You again so very much and bless you all!!
Sweet Tomatoes

There are many other loving people and companies that helped and asked not to be listed here and wanted to remain anonymous. Thank You so very much to all of you and may the Lord Bless you and your families this holiday season! Merry Christmas to you all :)


  1. What an awesome thing to do! Thank you so much for ALL you do to help others Shauna! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Wow you are a shining example to us all! Thank you and may God Bless you!

  3. Shauna – Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to do all of the heavy lifting. Our part was easy!

  4. How great to serve others this time of year!!! You are such a sweet example Shauna :)

  5. Thanks for letting Pouchee participate!

  6. What a great thing to do this Christmas season. We appreciate you putting it all together and letting us help in a small way!

  7. I love this time of year! There are always so many in need, it's a great time to serve others. Thank you for blessing and serving others.

  8. Congratulations on a successful project, very glad Hershey’s could participate again this year.

    Happy Holidays!

  9. So happy to have Storkie participate! Thanks again for making it happen - very special!!!

  10. This is such a great cause and you put so much work into it Shauna. Thanks for being such a a great example of service!

  11. What a great example you are. I am amazed at what you do to lift the lives of others. I truly hope you are blessed! Merry Christmas!

  12. I think it's a wonderful thing for you and the companies to do.

  13. Wonderful you are super woman!

  14. I love that you do this so much. How kind and generous of those companies to donate all those great things!

    I love everything about this!

  15. How wonderful. Thank you for all that you do. I know that you brought a lot of joy to others.... and in return I am sure that you found joy yourself.

    Merry Christmas, hugs, Lura

  16. How sweet!
    I hope you and your family have a blessed New Year!

  17. That is so awesome for you to do this! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a great new year!!

  18. Shauna, you rock! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
    Hope 2012 is warm, wonderful, bright and happy for you and yours!
