Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Today's Winners...

All are welcome to use this button to post on your blog or sidebar. You are all winners in my book :) 
And today's winners are... 

A pair of Trotters...
Robin Q.

Monte Carlo DVD... 
Amy W. 

Congrats to the winners!

Please e-mail me your mailing info. to: 

*Winners please respond within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen*


  1. Thanks a lot! My girls will be so excited to get the Monte Carlo DVD.

  2. Congrats to the lucky winners!

  3. I dont see where I commented before so Im posting again.

    Im so very excited on winning these Trotter shoes! I love shoes & these are going to make a great gift to myself from Santa! THANK You Shauna! You rock!!!
