Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dumbo 70th Anniversary Edition Review and Giveaway...

On September 20th, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released DUMBO as a 2-Disc Blu-ray Hi-Def & DVD Combo Pack in celebration of the 70th Anniversary Edition of the original film.

Faced with the daunting task of restoring the film to its original pristine condition, the Walt Disney Studios Restoration Team turned to the US Library of Congress who store the original 70 year old nitrate camera negative in their film vaults, and for reference, to an original 1941 ‘release’ print, held by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS).  Using this rare nitrate “dye-transfer” Technicolor print for color reference, the team was able to restore Dumbo to the color settings most likely approved by Walt Disney himself, which will be seen in their full splendor for the first time in 70years, on the Blu-ray debut.  In addition, the rare film print (housed as part of the UCLA Film and Television Archives collection) proved to be the earliest surviving generation of the original audio for Dumbo which provided a unique source from which to build the new Disney Enhanced Home Theatre (DEHT) mix for the Blu-ray release.

Released theatrically in 1941, Dumbo, Walt Disney’s fourth animated film, was an immediate success with audiences and critics alike.  In addition to its Academy Award® for Best Music, Dumbo was also Oscar®-nominated for Best Song, for the haunting lullaby, “Baby Mine.”  Additional songs from the film, written by renowned composer Frank Churchill and lyricist Ned Washington, have become popular standards.  They include the infectious “When I See an Elephant Fly,” sung by a chorus of hip crows who befriend Dumbo and his friend, Timothy Mouse, and “Pink Elephants on Parade,” which accompanies Dumbo’s feverish dream-sequence. 

Film Synopsis
In celebration of this landmark film’s 70th anniversary, experience the daring adventures of the world’s only flying elephant with a dazzling all-new digital restoration and brilliant Disney Enhanced High Definition Theatre Mix Sound.  The inspirational tale of Dumbo, the courageous baby elephant who uses his sensational ears to soar to fame with the help of his clever best friend Timothy Q. Mouse, will thrill and delight audiences of all ages.  And now, the award-winning music and empowering messages about friendship and belief In yourself reach new heights in this must-have Blu-ray high-definition presentation of Walt Disney’s classic Dumbo!

Bonus Features
·       Deleted Scene – “The Mouse’s Tale
·       Deleted Song – “Are You a Man or a Mouse?”
·       Taking Flight: The Making of Dumbo – A journey back to the origins of the film as everybody’s favorite baby elephant takes wing.
·       The Magic Of Dumbo:  A Ride of Passage – Witness the excitement and magic of Disneyland’s most popular ride through the eyes of a child.
·       Audio Commentary with Pete Docter, Paula Sigman and Andreas Deja
·       Sound Design Excerpt from The Reluctant Dragon
·       Original Walt Disney Television Introduction
Everything on the DVD plus:
·       Cine-Explore
·       Disney View
·       “What Do You See?” Game
·       “What Do You Know?” Game
·       “Celebrating Dumbo” Featurette
·       Animated Short: “The Flying Mouse”
·       Animated Short: “Elmer Elephant”
Movie Download (Standard Definition & High Definition Versions):
·       Deleted Scene – “The Mouse’s Tale”
·       Deleted Song – “Are You a Man or a Mouse?”
·       “Celebrating Dumbo” Featurette
STREET DATE:   September 20, 2011 
Feature Run Time:   Approximately 64-minutes
Rated:   G (Bonus material not rated)

Wow, I can't believe Dumbo was made 70 years ago and still makes you and your whole family smile! I remember watching this as a kid and now I get to share this with my kids and my grandchildren with it newly edited on Blu-ray. We loved seeing how happy Jumbo was when the stork brought her baby elephant to her. Even though he had big ears and the other elephants laughed, mama Jumbo loved her baby no matter what he looked like. 

I felt bad for Dumbo when they turned him into a clown and everyone made fun of him but then he met Timothy Q. Mouse. They become good friends and Timothy tries to always make Dumbo happy. After running into a pack of birds, they decide to help Dumbo use his big ears for something good and teach him to fly. When the circus crowd watches him fly for the first time he becomes an instant star and everyone loves him. This is a classic movie everyone will enjoy for many years to come!

The Blu-ray has a ton of special features like: Deleted scenes, backstage Disney, The making of Dumbo, a couple animated shorts, the magic of Dumbo, and many more. 
Now here's the really exciting part... 

I get to give one lucky winner a Blu-ray + DVD Combo Pack!

To win...

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(please leave a comment for each entry)

Giveaway ends on Tues. Oct. 18th, 2011. 

DISCLAIMER: *I do not receive any money for my posts. I do however receive the review products at no charge to evaluate and express my opinion.*


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susansmoaks said...

my brother wants this for Christmas, i would love to win it for him
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

c allen said...

i would love to watch dumbo with my family and be able to pass it down to them for their children, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

follow this blog w/ gfc c allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

twitter follower clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

Kathy P said...

I havent seen this in years would love to see this again :)

c allen said...

2 twitter follower clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

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3 twitter follower clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

4 twitter follower clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

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5 twitter follower clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

Kathy P said...!/klp1965/status/126323668090490880

c allen said...

like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

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2 like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

3 like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

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4 like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

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5 like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

Kathy P said...

ttsc google friend klp1965

Kathy P said...

bg google friend klp1965

c allen said...

like dumbo on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

2 like dumbo on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

3 like dumbo on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

4 like dumbo on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

5 like dumbo on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

follow disney on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

2 follow disney on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

3 follow disney on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

4 follow disney on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

5 follow disney on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

on disneys website, i like the disney movie rewards club, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

2 on disneys website, i like the disney movie rewards club, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

3 on disneys website, i like the disney movie rewards club, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

4 on disneys website, i like the disney movie rewards club, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

5 on disneys website, i like the disney movie rewards club, clallen at ntin dot net

Kathy P said...

1 like dumbo on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said...

2 like dumbo on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said...

3 like dumbo on facebook kathy l pease

c allen said...

positive thoughts click clallen at ntin dot net

Kathy P said...

4 like dumbo on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said...

5 like dumbo on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said...

1 i also like the lion king diamond edition dvd

Kathy P said...

2 i also like the lion king diamond edition dvd

Kathy P said...

3 i also like the lion king diamond edition dvd

Kathy P said...

4 i also like the lion king diamond edition dvd

Kathy P said...

5 i also like the lion king diamond edition dvd

Kathy P said...

clicked positive thoughts button

Anonymous said...

Love Dumbo! He's always been one of my faves!

Ashley H said...

thanks for the chance we love Dumbo!!

Ashley H said...

twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

twitter follower @shuggysmommy

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disney twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

disney twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

disney twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

disney twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

dumbo fb liker (ashleyg)

Ashley H said...

dumbo fb liker (ashleyg)

Ashley H said...

dumbo fb liker (ashleyg)

Ashley H said...

dumbo fb liker (ashleyg)

Ashley H said...

dumbo fb liker (ashleyg)

liliesrnice said...

My little girl would love this movie!

Nicole Larsen said...

I love Dumbo and would love to win this for my 4 yr old daughter :)

lisa_s said...

I can't wait to watch Dumbo with my little girl!

lm-save at yadda dot net

Cweller75 said...

I would love to win this for my daughter.

Cweller75 said...

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bev said...

Dumbo looks like a cute movie. Thanks for having the contest!

Cweller75 said...

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(Christy Weller)

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(Christy Weller)

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I follow Dumbo on facebook. #5

(Christy Weller)

Cweller75 said...

I visited Disney and like that you can watch movie trailers online.


Cweller75 said...

I visited Disney and like that you can watch movie trailers online.


Cweller75 said...

I visited Disney and like that you can watch movie trailers online.


Cweller75 said...

I visited Disney and like that you can watch movie trailers online.


Cweller75 said...

I visited Disney and like that you can watch movie trailers online.


Sand said...

I love Dumbo!

Cinderella10383 said...

Daily Tweet- @cinderella10383!/Cinderella10383/status/126492756108513280

Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

Anonymous said...

i would love to win this movie

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