out deeply embedded dirt, dust, dander, and pet hair!
Thanks Oreck for the great products!
Introducing the easy way to clean...
The new Oreck Platinum Pilot™ with 360° Glide moves like nothing else, to let you go everywhere dirt goes, with easy steering and amazing maneuverability. At just 10 lbs.*, it features a re-engineered, powerful, pile-lifting roller brush that moves through carpet easier and cleans better than ever. The New Pilot pulls out deeply embedded dirt, dust, dander, and pet hair. All from a vacuum that weighs just a little more than a gallon of milk.
Twists and turns with a flick of the wrist
The all-new Oreck Platinum Pilot with 360° Glide uses a unique ball-joint and pivot connection to easily guide the vacuum exactly where you need it to go. It corners couches, glides in and out of small spaces, and turns on a dime - so you can clean in one continuous motion.
Tour the Features of the New
Oreck Platinum Pilot
- Direct Suction
- Bags
- Rug-Friendly
- Above-The-Floor
- Furniture-Friendly
- Helping Hand®
- Dual-Speed
- IntelliShield™
- 30-Foot Cord
- Total Cleaning System
A re-engineered, powerful pile-lifting roller brush cleans carpet better than ever.
Glides in and out of small spaces.
Unique ball-joint and pivot connection guides the vacuum exactly where you need it to go.
Lays virtually flat to fit easily under furniture.
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Giveaway ends on Tues. April 27th, 2010.
1 – 200 of 1374 Newer› Newest»I so need a new vacuum. I love the one I have, but unfortunately it's not doing so well. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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Okay, we have an (okay) vacuum, but we have three levels to schlep that thing! This would be fabulous!
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I really need a new vacuum, mine is just to heavy for me and I heard the Oreck is really light weight.
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Wow! How neat! Enter us please!
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I really need a new vacuum! This would be great!
Wow, I totally could use this!:-)
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I really need a new vacuum, I'm is almost going dead soon. This seem like a great one. Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh, please pick me. I so need one!
clarksrfun at gmail dot com
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clarksrfun at gmail dot com
I would love to win this- ours is on its last legs!
Follow you on Twitter- @tally2525
I definately need a new vaccuum and this one would be awesome!
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What an awesome giveaway! I would love this!
matthfam at gmail dot com
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matthfam at gmail dot com
Oh, a new vacuum would be such a blessing!
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I just posted another positive comment. :)
I need a new vacuum so bad, ours keeps breaking but I keep holding out on buying one b/c of money, but maybe I'll win one! carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com
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clicked and commented with my positive thought of the day, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com
I have been through so many vacuums the last almost 8 yrs of marriage and I am pretty sure we will need a new one soon. Count me in!
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Positive Thought
tweet http://twitter.com/carafferty/status/11106716042
The one we have is so loud and then the dogs start barking at it and that just makes it louder.
Plus every time I use it I get something caught in it and the light goes on and it stops. Larry ends up taking it apart, and I really hate when he uses all that cussing around the dogs.
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Count me in! Thanks for the chance to win!
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I probably won't win but man, I would love this! Thanks for the chance!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
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I would love to win this. Thanks for the giveaway
boy, could i ever use this!
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I would love to have this!
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I could so use a 10-lb vacuum!
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I need a new vacuum so bad. The cat hair is piling up and allergies acting up. LOL
Thanks for the great opportunity to enter this giveaway.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
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Tweeted : 3-26-10
Latest: Trying2staycalm Come enter to win a $599 Oreck vacuum here: http://www.trying2staycalm.com/2010/03/oreck-pilot-review-and-giveaway.html Retweeted by you less than 20 seconds ago
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
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misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
tweeted: 3-26-(@misskallie2000)
Latest: oreck We love our fans too! RT @ItsLaurenTime: hahha @oreck tweeted at me. I heart david oreck and all his cleaning products. Retweeted by you less than 20 seconds ago
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I left Positive Thoughts 3-26-10
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
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You are so lucky! I want one:)
book giveaway follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I could really use this vacuum. I love Oreck's products.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I need a new vacuum so bad!!!
I follow your blog!
I became a fan of Oreck on facebook!
I so need a new vacuum!
This looks so easy to use!
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I would love a new vacuum.
I follow your blog.
I need a new vacuum because ours broke recently! This sounds like would be awesome!
charmtime at gmail dot com
I follow your blog through Google Friends Connect charmtime at gmail dot com
i really need a new vacuum i would love a new oreak pilot
im following u on twitter @purplelover04
im following oreck on twitter @purplelover04
im a oreck fan on fb part 3 name is erica best
im a oreck fan on fb part 2 name is erica best
im a oreck fan on fb part 1 name is erica best
im following ur ~Seeking Sisterhood~ blog purplelover04
im folllowing ur book giveaway blog purplelover04
i tweeted http://twitter.com/purplelover04/status/11153299618
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I need a vacuum that would work well on the stairs!
I love Oreck vacuums. They're so light to use. I sure could use this one.
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Just in time for spring cleaning!
Love to win! I follow
I shared a positive thought today!!
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/gosfam/status/11163489547
I'd love to own an Oreck. Thanks for the giveaway!
Following Oreck on Twitter: OutletBabe
Following you on Twitter: OutletBabe
I would love to have one of these, thanks for the chance!
mstlee2000 @ hotmail.com
I follow oreck via twitter isaiahsmom21
mstlee2000 @ hotmail.com
I follow you via twitter isaiahsmom21
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Left new positive thought today for 3-28-10
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
RT 3-28-10
Latest: Trying2staycalm Come enter to win a $599 Oreck vacuum here: http://www.trying2staycalm.com/2010/03/oreck-pilot-review-and-giveaway.html Retweeted by you less than 20 seconds ago
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Our vac is dying slowly with the beater brush not working now AND is heavier than ALL get out! I thought it was going to be SUCH a great machine but it SUCKS!!! (and not in a GOOD way! ;)
THIS looks like a dream at only around 10 lbs and would be So great for someone with a back injury and 5 back surgeries behind me. (I am not even supposed to DO this job but the rest in our house do not seem to know that this corded thing needs to be plugged in, turned on, and pushed/pulled in order to help clean the house! ;)
thanks to both you and Oreck for the review and sponsoring this... I am gonna wish, hope, dream and PRAY for this one and cross every thing on my body I can;)))))!!!!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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thanks so much!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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I follow your Sisterhood Blog too!
thank you!
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I left a positive thought tonight!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
I am a Facebook Fan of Oreck and left a message on their wall that you sent me and how excited I am about this lightweight vacuum!
eileen richter
thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Oreck Facebook Fan 3
eileen richter
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Oreck Facebook Fan #2
eileen richter
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
I don't have a vacuum. I have been borrowing for about 9 mo. I would like to regain my dignity.
I follow on GFC @sodahoney
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Today - Positive thought comment
I hate vacuuming! Carrying around a heavy machine, trying not to kill the furniture! Would love to have one that would be easier to handle!
Blog http://sodahoney.blogspot.com/2010/03/oeck-giveaway.html
Blog http://sodahoney.blogspot.com/2010/03/oeck-giveaway.html
Blog http://sodahoney.blogspot.com/2010/03/oeck-giveaway.html
Blog http://sodahoney.blogspot.com/2010/03/oeck-giveaway.html
Blog http://sodahoney.blogspot.com/2010/03/oeck-giveaway.html
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This is definately a vacuum I could use! I love it!
Following @Trying2staycalm on twitter @lisakw27
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Fan of Oreck on facebook! : )
Fan of Oreck on facebook! : )
I am following with google friend connect!
Thanks for an awesome chance at winning this vacuum!
Following @oreck on twitter @lisakw27
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I'm an Oreck Facebook fan.
I'm an Oreck Facebook fan.
I'm an Oreck Facebook fan.
Blogged about your giveaway! phancey.blogspot.com
Hope I have a chance with this one. I blogged about your fabulous giveaway. phancey.blogspot.com
I blogged about your fabulous giveaway. phancey.blogspot.com
Would love to win this. You're on my blog. phancey.blogspot.com
i tweeted http://twitter.com/purplelover04/status/11206920637
I have your button.
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I need a new vacumm...bad!
I would LOOOVE to have a new vaccuum!! What an awesome giveaway!
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melanie bleile
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Melanie Bleile
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