My family got to review this DVD! This Hanna Montana DVD has 6 episodes including the season 3 finale "Miley says goodbye". They are all good episodes. I liked the episode "he could be the one" where Miley has to decide between 2 boys and her dad Billy Ray Cyrus gives her a DVD to play of her mom giving her advise. I also liked the special features that come with this DVD, like the alternate ending to one of the episodes and backstage Disney and more.
On Tuesday March 9th, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released HANNAH MONTANA: MILEY SAYS GOODBYE? DVD viewers will be the FIRST to see the season finale with Miley’s pivotal decision-making moment about staying in Hollywood or returning home to Tennessee, only on DVD before it airs on Disney Channel!
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
Never before has Miley Stewart faced such a crucial decision! Now, DVD viewers will be the FIRST to see the season finale with Miley’s pivotal decision-making moment about staying in Hollywood or returning home to Tennessee, only on DVD before it airs on Disney Channel! Get ready for Hannah Montana: Miley Says Goodbye?, with six episodes, including the Season 3 finale episode, exciting bonus features and a bonus episode.
Bonus Episode
• “He Could Be The One” – 1-hour episode with alternate ending
Bonus Features
• Sister Secrets – Miley’s real-life sister, Brandi, leads this exclusive backstage tour of the Hannah Montana show. Armed with her “Brandi-Cam,” Brandi gets access and juicy details that only a real BFF can get with Miley, Emily, Jason, Mitchel, Moises, and even her dad, Billy Ray.
• Hannah Highlights – Pop-up trivia/facts on the episode “You Never Give Me My Money”
RELEASE DATE: March 9, 2010
Rated: ‘TV-G’
Run time: 134 minutes
DVD aspect ratio: 1.33:1
Language: English, French and Spanish
Now here's the exciting part...
I get to give away one of these DVDS!
To win...
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Giveaway ends on Mon. March 15th, 2010.
MY daughters would KILL me if I did not try and win this giveaway for the Hannah Montana DVD.
And I too like the "He could be the one" episode. Hilarious.
So here goes nothing.
I will try.
Despite the hundreds of people that will enter.
:) LOL.
First tweet today, advertising this AWESOME giveaway! (Awesome for my girls anyway!) YAHOO!!!
Ok, I admit, I do watch Miley too. IT is funny. :)
Yes I follow YOUR blog. I LOVE your sweeeeet giveaways!!!!
I already follow you on TWitter.
You ROCK girl!
I placed ONE of your buttons at the bottom of the blog. Not because I don't like ya, but because I don't want to clutter up my blog with a bunch of other people's buttons. I am VERY choosy about what button I put on the MAIN page.
LOVE your button. And if I won, I believe you have a Winners button! That is SWELL!!! YAHOO!!!!!
I hope I voted for you! I clicked on your button which took me to your blog. Is that all I had to do?
Hope I win!!!!
My girls would think I am the BEST mom EVAH if I did.
We {heart} Hannah!
Hannah, we are in!
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And this is the post that I did so I could get 5 more points for entering!!!
Can you tell I really want to win this? I am shameless I know.
But this is a WONDERFUL opportunity!!! And sometimes you just have to work at winning certain giveaways! :)
I work hard for my giveaways can you tell.
Here's my email if you notify winners by email. oneclutteredbrain (at) gmail (dot) com.
But YOU can count on me coming back March 23rd to see if I won.
In the meanttime, Happy tweeting to me! (once a day until your contest ends.)
Button 2 sisterhood button added to bottom of my blog.
All extra points help. :)
I am a follower of your sisterhood blog also.
i follow!!
my girls would LOVE this!!
My girls want this
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matthfam at gmail dot com
My girls would love this.
matthfam at gmail dot com
My 9 year old daughter would LOVE it if I won this!
I have your Trying to Stay Calm button in my blog
I have your ~Seeking Sisterhood~ button in my blog
I have your Book Giveaways button in my blog
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I tweeted: https://twitter.com/jkgorcery/status/10345942985
I follow you on Twitter (@jkgorcery)
I know my niece would love me if I won this
I'd love this for my daughter.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
My daughters would LOVE this!! :)
I voted!! :)
I follow TTSC! :)
I have TTSC! button :)
I follow your book blog! :)
I would love to win this one for my nieces!!
I am following your blog
have your Seeking Sisterhood button up! :)
I blogged
I follow Seeking Sisterhood :)
I blogged
I blogged
I blogged
I blogged
Gotta try to win this one! My niece is such a Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus fan...her email address has "miley" in it, even.
Thank you for the giveaway!
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I follow this blog.
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I follow your Sisterhood blog, now.
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I'm following your Book Giveways blog now!
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I have your Sisterhood button on my sidebar: http://lolmybloglol.blogspot.com/
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I have your Trying To Stay Calm button on my sidebar: http://lolmybloglol.blogspot.com/
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I have your Book Giveaways button on my sidebar: http://lolmybloglol.blogspot.com/
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I voted for you in Top Mommy Blogs.
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
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anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I follow your blog
My daughter is only 5 but she is a huge fan. She can pick Hannah Hannah (that is what she calls her) out of a song line-up with no problem. Also she can do the entire Hoe down showdown dance and song from the Miley movie. I really need to record her doing that before she grows up any faster on me.
I follow you on twitter
I voted for you today on Top Mommy Blogs.
Okay, this is all my fault I admit it. But people are thinking I am no longer reading them and so I don't want them to read ME and COMMENT, and I DO! I AM still reading you and I will start commenting again I promise!
I got into a bad rhythm when I started having so much computer problems, I started not commenting thinking most my comments were probably lame and not wanted, but i see that was a mistake and want to rectify that NOW. I am going to get back to my Comment-Whoring ways...that is Kristina's phrase remember that, LOL, and so come back to me my friends, I NEVER left you, I just got way too comfy with Google Reader and read you there!! I LOVE my bloggy friends!!
Tweet! http://twitter.com/my_twitraccount/status/10369181231
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
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Blogged http://giveawaysrock.blogspot.com/2010/03/hannah-montana-dvd-giveaway.html
My 4 year old Grand daughter AND my 10 year old daughter would have to share this and take turns with this...they both love Miley and would LOVE to be able to have this! thank you!
ejricher60 at gmail dot com
I follow your Book Giveaway Blog! thanks!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
i follow your Trying to Stay Calm blog publicly! thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter!
thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
I follow your Sisterhood Blog too!
thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Follow n Tweeted!thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
pleae enter me for my granddaughter she loves Miley
I follow you on tweeter@mrsred49
I have your button on my blog
Tweet Tweet!
2nd time tweeting this!
Told my FB friends #1
tweet! http://twitter.com/my_twitraccount/status/10438226000
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I would love to win this for my 15 yo sister Thanks
following your blog
twitter follower @starryeyed24
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
It said "conflicting edits," so I hope this isn't a repeat!
tweet! http://twitter.com/my_twitraccount/status/10540103772
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
tweet! http://twitter.com/my_twitraccount/status/10540103772
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
twitter follower (chelleb36)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My girls love miley cyrus
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I follow your blog through Google Friends Connect charmtime at gmail dot com
I follow you in Twitter (littlecomper) charmtime at gmail dot com
I had to enter because my little girl would LOVE this - she is a huge fan!
charmtime at gmail dot com
tweet! http://twitter.com/my_twitraccount/status/10579195088
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
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