Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Miche Bag Review and Giveaway...

Thanks to Miche Bag I got to review their cute bags! I was so excited after I got the package that I went to the mall to get me some other cute shells for my new bag and I l♥ve them! What a great idea to be able to change the look of my bag so fast and easy! And I don't even have to move all my stuff from one purse to another! You can go to www.michebag.com to see more fun shells! These cool bags and shells are also available nationally and internationally via purse parties
held by distributors and representatives.

Miche Story:
It’s a business story most of us only dream about. In the fall of 2004 29-year-old Michelle Romero was a young, recently married dental assistant who was tryin
g to figure out what to do with her life. During her lunch break one day she did something many women have done, only for Michelle it started a series of events that would change her life.
Michelle is the founder of Miche Bag, the brand that created the wildly popular interchangeable handbag. Michelle came up with the concept after spilling on the outside of her favorite bag. The resulting stain left her frustrated that she would have to replace “the perfect bag”. That sparked an idea. What if you could just replace the outside of a purse without taking everything out of your bag? Michelle created a rough prototype and enlisted the help of a friend and confidante, Annette Cavaness. Together they started the process of building a business.
Today, Utah based, Miche Bag is experiencing record-setting growth. With nearly 100 different styles of outer shells to choose from Miche Bag is sold in more than 10 countries around the world. The company is focused on helping other moms generate income for their families through at-home parties, where most of the purses are sold. Miche Bag is also sold online and in select retail locations. Michelle has two children under the age of 3. Annette is a mom to three kids; ages 5, 3, and 1. She is in the process of relocating to Germany to run the European operations for Miche Bag.
Thanks to Miche Bag I get give one lucky reader here on my blog one black Miche bag with short handles and the two shells shown on the left here.

To win...
Follow my blog
1 entry
Leave a comment 1 entry
Add my new button to your blog 1 entry
Blog about the giveaway and leave me a link 3 entries (leave a comment for each entry)

Giveaway ends on
Tues. Aug. 18th, 2009.
Good luck everyone :)


Unknown said...

Oh how awesome! I heard about these on TV! I really want to win this one please!

Unknown said...

I follow your awesome blog!

Unknown said...

I have your adorable button!

Unknown said...

I blogged about this entry 1

Unknown said...

I blogged about this entry 2

Unknown said...

I blogged about this entry 3

Cynthia said...

My sister has one of these. They are so fun! Pick Me! Pick Me!

Phyllis said...

How fun! Wish I could have had time to stop and see you when I visited Ivadel. Hope all is well with you. Miss you.

Shan B. said...

I've heard about these bags. They really are cool. I follow your blog too.

Ann said...

I follow!

Ann said...

Way cool!

Lillian J. Banks said...

Ohhhhhh- my sil has this and loves it pick me!!!

Lillian J. Banks said...

I follow

penney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaime said...

I LOVE this bag, my friend has one and I covet it!! I would use this everyday!!

Jaime said...

I follow your awesome blog!

Tins and Treasures said...

This is a fabulous idea. Thanks for entering my name into your generous giveaway. ~Natalie

p.s. I am a follower too.

Lilly said...

What a great giveaway! Those bags are so beautiful!
Thanks a lot!
I am a new follower ^^

Stephanie said...

What an awesome giveaway. I love these bags!

Stephanie said...

I'm a follower also!

Stephanie said...

And I have your button on my blog :)

nfmgirl said...

What a great idea! I go through purses like crazy, because I get bored so quickly with them. Please count me in. Thank you!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Kristie said...

One for the comment...

Kristie said...

two for the button....

Kristie said...

three for the follow..
now go cat go!

Stephanie said...

Miche Bags Rule!

Unknown said...

OHH I think these are the cutest things!

Unknown said...

I follow!

Bingo said...

Oh, I know there isn't a chance but I am such a purse freak...I love all kinds and this looks Fabulous..thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

I have your cute button

Unknown said...

Whoa...I want that!!

Rebekah said...

nice!! you can't go wrong with a purse that changes with you!! thanks!

Rebekah said...

i'm a follower!!!

Brooke said...

My friend has a Miche bag, and I LOVE it!!!! I want one so bad!

Brooke said...

I follow!

Brooke said...

I added your cute button to my blog!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Oh yeah! Enter me please! I saw these on TV but wasn't able to get them in Canada. I follow you as well and will put your button on my site.

Kathy said...

I love those bags! I wish she would do diaper bags too!

Nanette said...

What a wonderful idea! I get so bored with my purse.

Darlene said...

I follow!

Darlene said...

Please count me in on this!

Sheri, RN said...

I follow!

Darlene said...

I added your button!

Darlene said...

I posted about this on facebook.

LyndiLou said...

These sound totally cool! :) I would love to see how they work in real life! Thumbs up for you!

LyndiLou said...

I have your button on my blog! :)

Mostly Jessica said...

I'd like to win this for my mom!

Alexia said...

I just received my Miche Bag and 8 shells last week. I love the bag and the ability to change shells at my fancy. I now need to work on getting one for my daugher who is expecting her first baby. What a fun present for her after her delivery!!!

P.S. Love the closet organizer. I may need to order another one soon. Wish it was just a tad bit bigger to easily slide in the shells. But love it.

Anonymous said...

I really want one of these

Anonymous said...

These purses are fantastic! I went to my first party this summer and told the hostess that I would not be able to purchase but then I saw them I was hooked. I left with a purse and 2 shells. My husband loves the idea too :)

Lori said...

love, Love, LOVE them. Anyone interested in owning one feel free to contact me.

Kami said...

That looks cool! So fun to change the look of your purse.

Kami said...

I have your cute button!

Penny said...

Those are so cool! And I follow your blog!!!

Amanda said...

i have your button

Amanda said...

these are so neat

Jen said...

I would be crazy to NOT enter this contest! LOL. I love purses. These look great!

Kristi said...

Ohhhhhhhhh!!! My friend just started selling these but I'd rather get one free!! :-)

Cynthia Rodriguez said...

OMG, I love Miche bags! How wonderful to have a purse that has "outfits" so you can always be stylish and coordinated wherever you go!

Evelyn said...

What a cool business story! I'm in:-)

Evelyn said...

I follow!

kado! said...

how cute...I've never heard of these...i likey!

kado! said...

got your button!

Amber said...

I love these bags! Count me in!

Lisette said...

They are so cute!

Cranberryfries said...

I follow

Cranberryfries said...

Those are adorable

Lisa said...

LOVE the purse!!
Hugs, Lisa

Lisa said...

I'm a follower!
Hugs, Lisa

Lisa said...

I'm putting your button on my blog now!
Hugs, Lisa

Andrea said...

What a good idea!

Andrea said...

I'm a follower!

Jolynn said...

My friend has these purses, they are sooo cool!

Jolynn said...

I'm following you guys!

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

I would love to win one of these!~!

dancealert (at) aol (dot) com

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

I follow your blog!

dancealert (at) aol (dot) com

Ms. Cindy said...

I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance!

Ms. Cindy said...

I follow your blog!

Ms. Cindy said...

I have your button!

Ms. Cindy said...

I blogged! #1


Ms. Cindy said...

I blogged! #2


Ms. Cindy said...

I blogged! #3


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

I haven't had a new bag in forever, I'm feeling deprived! So, how about I win it!

Debbie said...

I am crossing my fingers for this one!

Debbie said...

I am a follower.

Amanda said...

i follow

Phyllis said...

Dennis calls me the "bag lady" because I love bags. This one looks fabulous. What a great idea!

Phyllis said...

I'm going to write about your blog on my facebook so my friends will know about it. It's fabulous.

Gosfam said...

Ooo I hope I win this one

Gosfam said...

I follow

Gosfam said...

I have your button

Meg said...

Cute idea for bags!

Anonymous said...

How neat!

Anonymous said...

I follow you!

Anonymous said...

oooh I'm liking this one, count me in, and of course i am a happy follower!

Have a happy week!

Sandi said...

I follow you

Sandi said...

I added your button

Sandi said...

I blogged about it, oh boy, did I blog about it.

Cairine said...

What a great idea, change the outside of your bag and you don't have to keep changing them and wondering if what you want is in another purse.

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

I had actually forgotten about these bags, I saw them a while ago. Awesome giveaway! Already a follower.

Sherri said...

Oh so cute!!!

Sherri said...

I follow you great blog!!!!

Sherri said...

I have your button!!

Jessica said...

I have never heard of this before. It would be great to have one.

Jessica said...

I follow your blog.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

What a great idea.

I love it,

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i follow

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

blogged 3


lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Darlene said...

I posted about this on facebook.

James and Summer said...

These are so great! What a perfect idea! Hope I win!

James and Summer said...

I follow

James and Summer said...

I have your NEW button

Jenifer said...

Love this idea! So nice to know that I don't have to swap the endless supply of items from one purse to another! Would love to check these out! *** Jen

Jenifer said...

So cool! Love the new website!

Jenifer said...

Ok, am I doing this righ? I think I need to post 3 of these comments. Yes? I'm new at this. LOVE this idea! Haven't ever seen anything like them before!! *** Jen

Mystica said...

I have seen them on a tv show. Pls count me in.

corkrose said...


★Carol★ said...

Oh please, oh please, I hope I win! My purse is so ugly!

★Carol★ said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

The bag looks great, please enter me.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Lori said...

I love Miche! These are the best purses ever! Just can't get enough of them.

Lori said...

These are the best purses you'll ever own. Once you get a couple shells you just can't stop!

enter me in this drawing!!

Lori said...

I love Miche! These are the best purses ever! Just can't get enough of them.

Lori said...

I love Miche! These are the best purses ever! Just can't get enough of them.

Lori said...

I love Miche! These are the best purses ever! Just can't get enough of them.

Phyllis said...

Cool! Dennis calls me the "bag lady" because I love bags...all kinds. He also calls me his "half wife" because there's only half of me left now. he he. Funny, hu?

dag888888 said...

Miche bags look fabulous! Please count me in!


dag888888 said...



Anonymous said...

i love the story behind this bag, as much as i love the bags themselves!


Anonymous said...

i follow! :)


Madeleine said...

Ooooh! I want this bag

1-I follow

2-I have your button on my blog

3-I tweeted about this giveaway


Me said...

Sweet! My friend just got one of these! They are awesome!!!!!

Me said...

I follow!

Me said...

I have your button!!

Madeleine said...

I really do want to win this bag

Madeleine said...

I follow you

Madeleine said...

I posted your button on my blog :D

andrea v said...

This looks like such a great bag, thanks

andrea v said...


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh my....what a fabulous giveaway! Please include me.


Unknown said...

I'm a follower, what a fantastic bag.

Belinda M said...

I follow on twitter as Prairiebelle

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


Belinda M said...

Please include me in your giveaway

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


penney said...

Hi, I would love top win, I follow and I have you on my face book here
luvhistoricalromance at gmail dot com

penney said...

I follow on google reader also
Thanks Penney
luvhistoricalromance at gmail dot com

Natalie said...

I just found your cute blog! I'm telling all my friends and grabbing your button! Would love a new bag too! THANKS...so fun!

Unknown said...

These bags are super cute. I would love to have one!

+1 Follower
+1 for commenting


Annette Hansen (Hancey) said...

This looks so cute and fun! My kind of purse for sure!

Sarah said...

I follow

Sarah said...

Great Bag!!!


TTFN41460 said...

I would love one of these bags!!!! Thanks for the contest!!!!

TTFN41460 said...

I am now a follower!!!!

Huguette En said...

Very nice, thanks for the chance!

I'm new at following your blog

Unknown said...


Edith said...

I just found out about these!!! How cool! Just what I need! WOuld love to win!!!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog.

Anonymous said...

I am going to keep following this blog because I LOVE these bags!

Anonymous said...

I am actually a sales rep in Oakland County in Michigan if anyone needs a rep, please contact me at michebagjw@comcast.net

jmitchellp said...

I so need to win this contest!! I just bought the black bag and a few shells as a gift and now am staring at it with envy...