Ionic Charger blow dryer is equipped with an ionic charger and the imported AC motor that will heat hair while circulating air to ensure soft and shiny results!
I was so excited to get this in the mail and love it! How awesome to have a blow dryer that not only dries my hair fast but leaves it soft!
Thanks to Barbar I get to give one of these awesome blow dryers away here on my blog! To enter to win leave a comment. Follow my blog for another entry. Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link 3 entries (leave a comment for each entry) Please enter by July 14th! Good Luck everyone :)
Ok I'm in
I follow your blog!!
Coooool...would love to win!
I'm about due for a new blow dryer.
I would love to try this blow dryer...I had the same blow dryer for years. It went out not to long ago and I have went thru two other blow dryers since.....I am a follower :)
Sweet! I need a new hair dryer!! Please enter me into your giveaway.
I'm also a follower! =0)
I am in desperate need of a new dryer. Mine is so old.
I follow
Hi Shauna! Long time no talk! How are you?! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! hugs
My hairdryer is about to go to hair dryer heaven... this would be perfect! I have sort of long thick hair and anything that can dry it faster would be awesome. As a mommy on the go, every second is key :)
Hey there! Does this mean you have (Bi) oinic hair? I know.... bad joke:-)
This is for following your (faithfully)!
This is for the blog link (1st)
Blog link (2nd)
Blog link (3rd)
How fun!
Having two teenager girls in my house.. an new hairdryer would come in quiet handy!!!
I follow your blog via my Google reader :-)
Yes, yes, yes! With 3 teenage daughters with thick beautiful hair and myself...a good blow dryer is necessary and always in short supply. I want it and need it!
Oh wow, who would L♥ve a new hair dryer. Of course I am a fiathful follower, count me in.
And have a GREAT weekend!!!!
Oooh I am need of new blow dryer!
Never heard of the barbar before. Isn't that ionic? Don't ya think.
I need this! You have no idea how old my dryer is!
I am a follower.
I would love to win this!
I'm a follower.
Posting this on my sidebar.
I need this for sure!
I follow!
I blogged about this entry 1
I blogged about this entry 2
I blogged about this entry 3
COunt me in...I can always use a good blowdryer...
I follow ya!
I SOOOOOOOOOOOO need a new blow dryer. Pick me!! Pick me!!
I follow!
Yes! I need a new blow dryer! Count me in please!
This would be perfect to replace the one I have that is so old and doesn't heat up well anymore!
I needed a new blow dryer like yesterday! Awesome giveaway and sounds like a great dryer.
I follow you.
follower, too!
You giveaway queen! I want this! You are such a sweetheart! hugs to you!
I follow too!
I lust too! lol
oh man! i love a good hair dryer... and i would love to actually GET one! this is a great giveaway!!!! i would love to win! you know i already follow your blog... since you are one of my all time favorite blog friends!!!!
I am all over that! Hook me up!
I follow.
We can always use an extra hair dryer at my house. When mom also has 3 daughters hair to do, they never last long enough.
I'm a follower. So I'll take a second entry. Thanks.
Yeah, I am totally in the running!!!!
And I am a follower!!! Thats 2!! ;)
I could really use this dryer! Thanks for the chance!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I'm a follower!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
count me in mine is a dinasour and dying. some days it works others i am air drying lol.
i follow your blog :)
I would love this hairdryer, my last one just died.
I am a follower
give me that thing count me in
matt dot glddn at gmail dot com
i want that thing count me in
matt dot glddn at gmail dot com
My Blow dryer is really old.
I'm still following.
Pick me Pick me! I need a new blow dryer!!! : )
And I follow you!
And I blogged about the contest! : )
Here I am again!
Me again!!
And again!
pick me, pick me!
I really really need this.
And you know I already follow.
I wrote a post on my blog about this giveaway #1.
I wrote a post on my blog about this giveaway #2.
I wrote a post on my blog about this giveaway #3.
I follow!
Count me in!
I'd love a new hairdryer (if you ever find an amazing straightener too, please let me know...need one of those too:)
I follow.
Thanks for this fabulous giveaway! I would so very much LOVE to win. I was recently laid off and could really use a pick-me-up...and this amazing Barbar Hair Dryer would do just the trick!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I am following your blog.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your blog already!
I have THE longest hair and my dryer just broke this past week! How odd! So, I am SO in!
xoxo Park-Avenue Princess
ANDDDDDDDD I follow your blog...look over to the left!
xoxo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)
Add me to this giveaway
I am a follower
Thanks for the chance!
I follow your blog!
count me in!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I think I have the oldest hairdryer alive. I really need a new one since this one gets too hot and shuts itself off. Please enter me. Thank you
Please include me in your giveaway.
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I follow your blog
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I need this - so please enter me.
Thank you.
I follow your blog. Need a new dryer!
Oh oh oh I need a new dryer! I'm following too. Love the tiggers on your pg.
I am a follower of your blog.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Count me in! My hair dryer no longer heats. I never spend money on myself unless I have to, so I would love this! :)
I'm a new reader, but will surely come back! :)
Oooo that is awesome!!! I would love to win!!! I like your background!! Cute Cute!!!
I'd love to try this hairdryer! Please enter me.
Dottie :)
I'm following.
Dottie :)
I follow!
Please enter me
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
Me and the dogs would love this.
They push each other out of the way trying to be first to "get fluffy" after a bath.
I don't even OWN a blowdryer so I need this!
I follow!
I would love one. I also love your background. :) Thanks!
shannipooh (at) gmail (dot) com
GREAT Giveaway! Enter me in it please!
I follow your blog as well!
I also blogged about this contest on my blog! So sign me up again. =)
I also posted a link to this contest. I'm done now, I think. =)
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