The Pink Panther 2
Release Date:
June 23, 2009
Total Run Time:
92 Minutes
Rating: PG
My Review:
If you liked the first Pink Panther movie, then you will like this one also. Steve Martin as Inspector Jacques Clouseau is funny as a
french man in this movie. My hubby and boys like this kind of
humor and enjoyed this movie and had some good laughs.
I get to give away two copies of this DVD. To enter to win...
Follow my blog 1 entry
Tell me in a comment why you want to win 1 entry
Blog about the giveaway and leave me a link 3 entries
(please leave a comment for each entry)
Giveaway ends on June 29th, 2009. Winners please
respond by July 1st or another winner will be chosen.
Open to US residents. Good Luck everyone :)
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I follow your Blog:
Who couldn't like Pink Panther, It is so funny! But I'm first to make a comment so I should win. ;)
Well of course I follow your blog. I love your blog. I want to be like your blog when I grow up. I suggest your blog to all my friends.
I love the pink panther. However, the cartoons were pretty funny too.
Mike and 1 of 8 of Steve Martin crazy! And of course I follow your blog! ;o)
I love Steve Martin! Please count me in because my family would love to watch this together.
I told about your giveaway on Twitter
"The Worthys"
Would love to win this!
I follow
I would love to win, because I have actually never seen the movie, and I like Pink Panther, and Steve Martin has been a fave since Father of The Bride, and Cheaper By The Dozen
I like pink Panther two because Steve Martin is in it...who is funnier than him? And I want to win it because we could use some free entertainment these days!!!
Hi Shauna! Just popped in to say hello and send you happy hugs!
Steve Martin...funny, funny guy!
I am a follower!
Why do I want to win?
Steve Martin is HILARIOUS!
We saw this in the theater and my boys loved it! They would love to add it to their collection.
And of course I already follow you.
Mr B ADORES the Pink Panther! And I adore watching him laugh! :)
this sounds like a wonderful dvd thanks for the giveaway
I love Steve Martin!! He's such a great actor and I love his sense of humor. I also think my 3 kids would get a kick out of this movie.
I follow your blog as well!!
Loved the First Pink Panther so I know I'll love this one! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
i want to win to see hoe steve martin stands up against peter sellers
Oh these Pink Panther movies crack me up!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
love steve martin and loved the pink panther
I am a follower
I love steve martin movies
Count me in on this one I love Steve Martin!! and I do follow your blog!
Morning, Shauna!! ♥
I am a follwer!
My kids would think I was the coolest mom ever if I won this? Isn't that the whole goal in life?
I am a follower
I am a follower, Sweets! Lori
I would love to win because I have never seen this movie and I adore Steve MArtin! THanks! Lori
I follow you!
i'd love to win because it would be a fun movie to watch with my boys this Summer!!!
I follow follow you!
Love Steve Martin in anything!
I love Steve Martin and need a good laugh. This looks like fun
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I want to win because we've always been Pink Panther fans at my house (heck, I grew up reading the comic books) AND also I love Steve Martin (who, btw, is an incredibly talented person in many areas besides acting!) ... Thanks for the chance to win!
I have always loved the Pink Panther-I just spent the weekend with my niece and she loves watching it with her grandparents.
I want to win so that I can watch this with my family for our next movie night.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I'm not a fan of Pink Panther so don't enter me, but I just wanted to stop in and say hi! Hope you're having a good day.
It looks like a really funny movie!
I'm a huge Steve Martin fan and would love a copy of this DVD!
I'm following.
Dottie :)
Post your giveaway on my sidebar at http://myblog2point0.blogspot.com/
Dottie :)
First, I LOVE the Tigger background on your page.
Second, I am a follower!
I would love to win because I loved the first movie. My husband does not like it because he was a big Peter Sellers fan and loves the originals but I thought Steve Martin was hilarious! "I want to buy a AAAAMMM Ber Ger"""
I would like to win because I need a good laugh and this could be it
I love Steve Martin and enjoyed the first one! tWarner419@aol.com
Ohhh this one is on my blockbuster queue and the boys would just love it! I would love to get it for them ;)
I follow :)
i so want to see this
i've never seen any of the pink panther films... wasn't even aware they made a send film!
(email address is in profile)
following the blog :)
thank you for the giveaway!
I follow your blog!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I saw the trailer for this movie. It looked hilarious. This is one movie I know my husband will watch with me.
I'd like to win because we have seen the first Pink Panther with Steve Martin several times and loved it. It was such a funny movie that the whole family enjoyed. We haven't seen the 2nd one yet but want to. Thanks
I am following your blog.
I want to win because it looks funny!
I'm a follower!
Wow, what a great DVD in win, many thanks for this awesome giveaway.
I follow you on Blogger
I want to win cause I've never seen this one and my kids love the Pink Panther, too!
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