I was tagged by Just Being Me
and also by It's A Wonderful Life
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Share 7 things that people may not know about you.
3. Tag 7 people to share 7 things and link to them.
4. Let them know they've been tagged.
Now on with the tag :) Seven things about me...
1. I like to try unique foods.
2. On a cold day I enjoy peppermint Hot Chocolate.
3. I have long skinny toes. My Mom always tells me that I could play the piano with them! Speaking of feet, I l♥ve soft socks!
4. I l♥ve stickers, bookmarks, and pens.
5. I enjoy listening to music with nature sounds.
6. I burn a lot of Salt City Candles to help hide the stinky feet smell at my house. (Yes I live with all boys:)
7. I got a new computer chair that is more supportive for my back.
Here's the people I tag & anyone else that wants to do it can too :)
1. Lisa Loo
2. Wendy
3. Jessica
4. Mikki
5. Gigi
6. Angi
7. Jill
Hope you all have a Happy Thursday! ♥ Hugs!
I think I need a new computer chair too!
I also like to try neat foods and I also have long skinny toes, but i have funky middle toes..haha
My hubs has what I call "finger toes." LOL
I don't have stinky boys but I burn a lot of candles too!
I worry about the stinky feet thing when my boys get older! YIKES!
That was so fun! We don't get to hear much about you... I enjoyed it.
You should ask Mikki about my toes.
Thanks for taggin me. You are so sweet to include me in your circle of friends. All my friends that I started bloggin with quit.
I also love love love soft socks! They are the best!
Fun list.
Have you ever tried scentsy? I love Salt City Candles, but scentsy seems to do the same thing and it's less expensive. Just wondering. (I don't sell it or anything.)
i love peppermint cocoa too. and mint truffle. mmmmmm mmmmmm good!
And I totally get the candle and stinky boy feet thing. I got 5 men folk around here! lol
You must do a photo shoot with your toes! I want to see what piano-playing toes look like!
It was fun reading about you on a different level!
Fun post! thanks for tagging me. I'll try to do it, probably next week when my kids go back to school. I've been so off my game lately, hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things soon.
Oh those are some cute things I know about you now my friend. Thanks for sharing with us.
I too love candles, but Splenda banned them. Now I run the Candlebreeze and LOVE it!
So do you watch that show all about the guy that travels and eats all sorts of weird stuff??
Thanx for thinking of me! I would LOVE a new computer chair---dang that need for groceries. I love pens and stickers and bookmarks oh my too. I will do this next week after my crazy easter weekend is over!
What is unique foods? My nephew would say everything but pizza is unique. LOL m
I've been tagged AGAIN!! :) Okay, okay...I give in...I'll do it!
I used to burn candles a lot, but my hubby hates that it leaves the walls all black.. And when I painted boy did I sure notice it!
What a great list
LOL my daughter has the long toes we call them monkey feet. She's always picking things up with them. lol
If we were neighbors I'd let you try unique Filipino food.
Mmmmmmm, Sakt City candles are the best- my boys feet all stink, too!
Cool - Very Cool!
Nothing more wonderful than a cup of mint hot chocolate! I've been out of the blogging world for so long, it's amazing to come back and see that life still goes on!
Cute post, Shauna! I was tagged today ~ I have to post a picture of me on prom night. Imagine how deep I've had to dig to find a picture... that post will eventually come out, but not tonight. Tonight I'm just glad to be home and chillin' on my couch.
Those *are* seven things I didn't know about you!
I love pens from the doctors office, they are the best!! Which is why I am so upset that as of Jan 01, 2009 med reps aren't supposed to give free stuff away anymore, INCLUDING pens!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I so agree with #6 as I too have boys and OH MY WORD can that funk get any worse?! I was hoping that stank smell was only passed on through my brothers! What did I do wrong to inherit that smell?! I thought I was a good child. Thank goodness there are wonderful, divine scents from Salt City to save our sanity!!
That was great! I enjoyed learning more about you.
Mmmmm...peppermint hot chocolate!
Fun tag!
Hope you have a Happy Easter!!
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