Remember my talented Artist friend David Bowman? He is awesome and has a new print out! It is called "Joy" and it's beautiful! Here is what he says about this print...
Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now behold, my joy is full. 3 Nephi 17:20
"This is one of my favorite moments in the Book of Mormon. After stating this, Jesus simply spends some time blessing and interacting with the children, while angels descend out of heaven. In this piece, I wanted to depict our Savior in that moment of "full joy". I see Him smiling and laughing spontaneously, filled with so much love for those young people, to the point of weeping for joy (as it mentions in the record He did). If its human nature to manifest feelings of joy and love in that way... then I have to believe that would especially be the case for the One who is the embodiment of every good and righteous instinct of human nature."
~Dave Bowman~
Dave has been so kind to contribute five signed 8x10 prints for me to give away here on my blog! To enter post "Joy" (along with its description and Dave's website, www.bowman-art.com on your blog and add a comment to this post by May 1st and I will post the winners on May 2nd 2009! Good Luck everyone :)
Dave is ALSO offering this Mother's Day special below
to all his new-found blogger friends (that's you!:)
This specially matted "Joy" (16"x20") retails for $45---He offers it to you for $35! The framed piece, with special matte (22"x26") retails for $129---He offers it to you for $99. The 8"x10" print is $9.95.
If you would like to order any of these please e-mail Dave Bowman directly at: bowmandavid@frontiernet.net and tell him you are coming over from Shauna's blog for the Mother's Day discount :) You can click here to check out his website and more of his work!
Thanks so much Dave for blessing
us all with your beautiful talents!!
You giveaway the most amazing things!
i posted..i linked his web page in the post.
and now i am commenting..so i guess i am entered..
i wish my self good luck cause i never win anything!
This is amazing. I love it! I sent my first one to a fellow blogger in Mesa. I would love to have a sopy...Count me in!
David truly has a beautiful gift!
Count me in! :)
I love art! that's a great print!
Shauna... this is an amazing giveaway. I posted about it on my Church blog and my personal blog. I would absolutely LOVE this new print. :) Especially if I could send it to my missionary for his birthday...
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I'm totally in that print is amazing and very beautiful!! He totaly captures the kindness and love of the Savior!!
Count me in! I will post about this for sure! Beautiful art! Thanks Shauna and David Bowman!
Wow! He IS incredibly talented. I enjoyed his last prints so much! Impressive.
great giveaway
I love the smiling faces in this print! Beautiful work!
This is a beautiful print. What a talented artist! I posted about it on my blog.
Sign me up!! I LOVE that picture, it is perfect. I love the angels in the back ground- one thing I have learned from this struggle with my daughter and trying to keep her protected form the courts is that She was HIS before she was mine- and that HE is in charge. The love of Christ is what keeps us going, and this picture reminds me of that. Thanks for the chance ")
He is a beautiful artist. Very amazing!!
Those are beautiful pictures
What a beautiful picture!
Is it pencil? Amazing....
these are amazing pictures!!!!!!!!!
I love this print!
I would love to give this to my mother for mother's day! How beautiful!
I linked to your blog and his website! Thanks
He does have an amazing talent! M
What an amazing talent thanks for the giveaway
sharr1226 at yahoo dot com
I posted the giveaway on my blog, along with a link back to your blog & to David Bowman's website.
I love the print!!! Awesome giveaways :) Thanks Shauna
So do you just want me to post the pic and title with his website. Or do you want me to send people here to find out about the give-away. I'll do whatever you want. I love his art and I didn't get one last time, my daughter entered too and I didn't think it was fair for him to send two pictures to the same house.
Have a great day!!
Alright, it's all posted now!
David Bowman is a very talented artist! I love his prints!
He is soo talented. I loved the print I got back in January.
I have posted this on my blog. I would love a copy!
I would LOVE a copy!!! I have seen his other work...SO amazing!!!
I blogged about this at my blog. What a great prize to win!
Oh, these are beautiful! I want one now!
I would love one. I really thought his last one was awesome. I posted to my blog as well. Thanks
Wow, This is a beautiful print!!! What a neat giveaway... wish me luck!!
I would LOVE to win a copy! He is so talented!
I blogged about it...although my blog is private, do you need to verify?
LOve this picture!!! He's such a talented artist! Thanks for a chance to win!!!
I love this new print, I have it on my blog, I hope I am entered.
thanks David for this chance. Youre and awesome artist!!!
It is Beautiful! I would love to have one :)
I love this picture! Thanks for giving us a chance to win it.
Just beautiful! I love this print...I have 4 small children and would LOVE to be a winner to hang this beautiful picture in our home! Thanks for the opportunity! I'll link on facebook and twitter.
I really like these pictures I am glad that you posted them and that I could share them with all that I know as well.
I saw this picture and fell in love! It is truly beautiful. He has a very special talent.
Beautiful picture. I would love to win this.
I love this picture, count me in!
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