My hubby talked me into getting him a truck. Our son's truck has been giving us lots of problems so we traded it on a truck for my Hubby. He's been wanting one for years so he's happy. We go pick it up today. He is having a lift put on it right now. I asked him why he needs that and he said "The higher up I am the better, It will be like driving a monster truck". When I told you I have 4 boys including my big boy (my hubby) I wasn't kidding :) Pictures coming soon...
Yea! I'm excited about seeing the pics!
Oh I believe it!
Congrats on your new Monster Truck! ;)
Good luck with the truck. He's getting a lift? Hmmm, there's things I'd lift beside a truck....like my eyelids! Sounds like fun....he's going to be the most popular dad. "dude, your dad's freakin' awesome"...I can hear it now!
aww, new trucks are a lot of fun!
HAHA! Glad he got a new truck!
Boys will be boyS! Ain't it the truth. Fun though to get something new.
New Trucks are fun! Congrats!
I LOVE big trucks! It's so fun to drive our F250---makes me feel so powerful. And tiny:)
Unfortunately I always have something mean to say about big trucks. I am going to refrain.
YEAH for you!!! And I do hope to see pictures!
mmm...just wait soon you will hear that the mommy mobile needs a 6-8 inch lift too. That way you can look "cool" rolling up to church. UGH. Luckily for you, there are no car seats involved.
Congrats though. Good luck!
Yay! Can't wait to see the pics of your hubbies new truck! Can't wait to get mine one day!
That's hysterical! He's all boy! ;)
You know the only difference between men and boys? Right? M
Hi and thanks for leaving me a commen. It's fun to meet new bloggers. Poor you, 4 "boys" to deal with :) do my 3 boy dogs and hubby count as 4 boys?? us girls need to stick together. Boys will be boys:) Happy trucking this weekend.
Yup... Happy Friday :)
How fun!
Thanks for stopping in and visiting my blog. I love that you and hubby will be truckin this weekend. I have twin boys and they are all about trucks. The bigger the better.
You have a wonderful weekend!!
OH WOW what a great start to the weekend. Can't wait to see photos.
Looking forward to seeing that monster truck!
congrats on the new ride.
i feel as though i should do the Tim the toolman grunt for this post.
Oh fun.. My hubby has one of those big trucks.. I had a truck when we met and his made mine look like a toy.. Gotta love men and their trucks!!
Boys are so silly sometimes. :oD
Hi Shauna,
So nice to meet you. I am glad you left a comment and are a winner. Please send your address and I will try to make something real soon to send to you.
I love your blog! Can't wait to see your truck!!!
I am going to add you to my list if that is all right.
Hi Shauna!
Thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet you!
You were so right. You do have an extra boy!
I understand this post more than you know. : )
Boys WILL be boys!
Vrooom! Good Luck Shauna!
THAT----will be totally awesome.
Thanks for stopping by our blog and saying hello.
Chuckling at your post...boys and their toys!
Nothing like a man and his truck ... unless it's a man and his gun ... or a man and his dog ... and
you get it! ♥
It was so nice to see you stopped by my blog. I will be back soon to read more about you. Your 4 boys sound fun, lol. I hope your husband loves his new toy, I mean truck ; )
Boys will be boys...so funny. My husband just "upgraded" to his same truck but about a foot taller. I get to run and jump into this one. Thanks for stopping by :)
Too funny--I want a pic of you getting into it--thats the trick!! Men and boys and their toys!
i can imagine that your husband is as giddy as a school girl right about now.
Congrats on the new truck! I hope that he enjoys it.
HI, thank you for the comment on my blog. I appreciate that. Yours looks so fun.
Congrads on the new truck!!!!! My hubbies truck got hit by a deer last night he is not happy....
LOL, boys will be boys!! You definitely handle raising all those boys with grace!!
YAY, your very own monster truck! I want a great big F250 to cruise around in. I figure I can park wherever I want then.
Congrats on the Monster Truck...I love a big truck too!!!
Monster truck LOL~ oh no (:)
BOYS.. I have 3 ..so I understand.. big hugs, and luck to boot..Patty
LCUKY!! My DH has been WANTING one for a while now. Unfortunately our money tree is low! ;-)
Shauna, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it! I'm just trying to get started in the blogging world. I see you and I have something in commmon...living with 4 boys! I"m down to one now (hubby), and am thoroughly enjoying my three daughter-in-laws. It was a long wait for those females, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Raising three boys is an awesome experience...especially when they grow into men of God. Blessings to you and your family!
Shaunda, Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself! Come back again!
I gave you an award on my blog!
How fun for you all. What a beauty that truck is.
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