Why do I stress so much? WHY WHY WHY??? I wish I could just be calm naturally! I try so hard to go with the flow and not stress but... NO NO NO! I totally STRESS! I don't want to stress you see! I want to be calm :) So I am writing today about things that help me to stay calm...
Things that help me to stay calm:
Going to the Temple
Serving others (lots to say about this, read below)
Spending one on one time with family and friends
Burning Candles and listening to relaxing music
Taking time to smell the roses (I l♥ve fresh flowers)
Shopping (this is how I get in my power walking too)
Going out to dinner with my sweet Hubby
Reading and listening to uplifting talks on cd
Knowing my boys are home and safe
Remembering that life is Eternal and things that don't
work out here will in Heaven!
As I was writing my list of things that help me to stay calm I had several thoughts about serving others that I wanted to share so... here I go!
Serving Others:
I remember very clearly one Mother's Day my sweet Hubby telling me.."Today is all about you babe. What would you like to do today?" Guess what my answer was to him...
I said I want to go serve others today! So we packed up the kids in the car and I took fresh flowers and a card around to all the single mothers I could think of! Serving others truly brightens up my life and makes me happy!
I find the more I get outside of myself and focus on others the less my problems seem to be! It is through serving others like our precious Savior Jesus Christ did that we truly find peace and happiness!
I l♥ve you all lots and hope you have a beautiful day! ♥ Hugs!
You are such a wonderful and giving person♥ Thank you for a beautiful post♥ :)
Love the list! I love going to dinner too with my hubby. (I'm all about food--ha). I also love soaking in a hot tub with a good read! You have always been wonderful to serve! You are an angel.
What blessing you are to so many others. I am sure the flowers helped those mothers.
But we don't always have to be calm do we? If so I am in a lot of trouble. m
You are such a beautiful person! That is such a sweet thing to do!
My Beehive daughter's been very tense lately. I asked her what she does to relax, and she said she just doesn't relax. Not good.
I'm loving what I can steal from your list as suggestions for her.
For myself, I curl up with an inconsequential book. Like the science fiction mars book I'm about to pick up again here.
i do love you, you sweet lady. thanks for helping me to be calm. you and i have a lot in common as i read your list. now i just need to refer back to it and get things in order before the end of the month, to make stacey's challenge. hugs, lady. hope you are well.
hey sweetie. it's me again. just stopping by for a bit of your trying to stay calm vibes. hugs ♥
What a great list!!
I loved this!!!!!! Just remember, you're too blessed to be stressed :o)
So very true! Thanks for reminding me of that.
You are so right. A lot of those things help me calm down too. You are so awesome!! I love you tons!!!
Oh how sweet! I loved this post. Serving others is what we ALL should do and your right, that is what Jesus Christ did for us and we should be willing to do the same.
Those are such great ways to relax and chill and BE CALM!!! I needed that, thanks!
Hi there! Thanks so much for coming by last week to say hello. I have been playing catch up so it took me a while but thank you. I love your blog and hope you stay calm :) I think it's wonderful how much you love to serve others. I need to do more of that myself!
You are such a great example to others!
I especially love what you say about serving others. I just got a new calling (blog post about it coming soon) and I will be heavily involved in serving others with it. I think especially now when I have so many challenges it'll be good for me to get outside of myself and serve, serve, SERVE!
Thanks for the beautiful post. It was very timely for me to read!
What a wonderful way to spend that Mother's Day. It's true. It's a blessing to serve.
Beautiful thought! Thanks for sharing them. I too stress out more than I need to and I need to spend more time following your suggestions.
What a wonderful post. You right, helping others does make stress seems to fade away.
Remember......Come What May and Love IT!!!
You are awesome Shauna! I can totally relate. I have to fight not being stressed or "anxious" all the time! Your list is so great :)
Two things I like to do to stay calm, in addition to the ones you mentioned, is take a really hot shower or bath and bake yummy food.
GREAT! Serving others is the ultimate (God given) high, it truly feeds the soul. (wonder why its so hard for me to do it?)
God Bless You In Your Journey!!
(oh yea, I'm going to the temple with my mommy Wed!! WOOHOO)
Hi Shauna! I'm not sure if I already posted to you, but i wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting my blog- I'm not always able to comment to my bloggy buds, but I so appreciate positive comments! i'm a student, wife and mommy- so life gets a bit busy around here :O) Stop by any time!
I so love this! You are a remarkable, wonderful and loving person and your posts always reflect this.
You do sound a lot like my sis, Marae...a true angel. You are truly building a huge mansion.... but there, you will probably have housekeepers...so remmeber NO stressing! :-)
Thanks for making this world better!
Another inspiring blog Shauna!! Thank you so much for your honesty and you are always so right about serving others. That's why we are here.
love ya lots!!
You are truly a shinning example to ALL of us!! Lots of ♥♥♥♥♥ and ((((((hugs))))!!
How very true this post is, thanks for reminding us all :)
This thought came to mind as I read your wonderful post. Trust me I am the Queen of Stress! Like you I keep a list of things that help me relax.
Here is the quote that popped into my mind. It is by Groucho Marx
"I,not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy. I can choose which it shall be."
I take this an apply it those stressfilled moments. " I, can choose to be stress free."
Hey...posted for you this morning. I do hope that you have peace today. You are always thinking of others, and so sweet. Love to you, my friend. Precious friend. Hugs. ♥
Beautiful post. You are a great example to us. I would not have thought of service as a way I can stay calm. I always get stressed out when I'm called to serve or even when I volunteer to serve.
How nice to run across your lovely blog, Shauna! This is a great post, and what a thoughtful and giving person you are!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I can totally relate to the stressful feelings. OH, The heart racing anxiety! I'm totally there! ;o). Isn't it funny that when we feel these feelings the things we know we ought to do... like serving others, we find a little harder to do? The Gospel; it's the answer to all our problems!
Thanks for stopping in on my Blog and leaving your sweet comment :) I love the Tiggers! And your list, what a great idea. Sometimes we really need that calmness, I know as a mom that I do :)
I love your list! It's so great to have things to turn to that make you feel calm. You are a sweetheart!
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