I am so excited I won two giveaways that I wanted to post about! I won a book and journal from
Barbara! I also won a book from
Mel! I am so excited to get my books in the mail! I l♥ve to read! So thank you again very much! Hope you all have a beautiful day! ♥ Hugs :)
Lucky lady. Yippee.
It's always fun to win an unexpected prize. Congrats!
I need you to send some of that winning energy my way ... haven't ever won a giveaway! You'll have to tell me all your secrets ;)
Enjoy your books - YAY for you!
Hey--just wanted to say thanx for always putting up all these neat giveaways and places to visit--I really appreciate it!! Have a great day!
How fun to win two give aways! I hope the books are good!
It's so much fun to win giveaways, congrats! Thanks for your comment on my blog...I am happy you stopped by! :)
It's so much fun to win giveaways, congrats! Thanks for your comment on my blog...I am happy you stopped by! :)
I am jealous...but you enjoy anyway while i just sit here looking for other giveaways to enter, that i will probably lose too. Feeling guilty yet? NO!! Rats...
Congrats....nice haul.
Every time I see the name Barbara on your blog I think you're talking about me and get all confused. When did I do a book and journal giveaway? :)
Congrats...you lucky and wonderful lady. No one deserves it more than you. I may have to drive your little gift out to you. I am so anxiety ridden most days...and can't bring myself to that visit to the post office. hmmmm. so...hugs to you. love and prayers your way.
Congrats, my friend!
Oh, how fun!! Yea!!
Congratulations!! You seem to be a very lucky person!!
You go Girl. I've never had much success with winning so I do blog swaps.
Hope your new books are goodies.
Congratulations!!! I actually won (sort of) a giveaway myself the other day. I can't wait to get my cd.
You're very welcome!
Hope you enjoy the book!
it's always good to win a give away!
YAY!!! You deserve it.
Congrats! You deserve to win. You give and give that I'm excited you are reaping some rewards!
Congrats to you!
Oh man, I get so excited when books are shipped to me! Hope you enjoy them!
Congrats on your wins!!
sorry about that! I changed it but the link is...
Hooray for Shauna!!!! Awesome, lady!! ♥♥♥
That is fabulous! COngrat's on your wins. Enjoy your books.
Thanks for visiting my blog! It is so nice to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you better. I know how it is to be surrounded by boys!
Hi Shauna,
Congratulations on your wins! Blogging is so much fun, isn't it?
Thank you for stopping by to visit me and leaving your nice comment. It's nice to 'meet' you! Have a wonderful day.
HI and thanks for visiting my blog (and the nice compliment). I love the photos from Sundance. It looks like fun and you met so many celebs.
Congratulations on your winnings! You rock!
Congrats!! Good for you!!
Congrats on the giveaways!
Thank you so much for sending me a present. That is far beyond anything I would expect. I will let you know as soon as I get it. I'll be sure to blog about it too! Thanks again!
hey...came to say hello. hugs. hope you are doing well today! ♥
Let us know what you think of the books! LUCKY Girl. I am happy for you. m
Thanks for stopping by my Shabby Cottage. I always love to have visitors! Your blog is great and I'll be back. Have a great week, Esther
I AM TAKING YOU TO VEGAS WITH ME --!!!! You sure put some neat things on your blog.
How fun! =)
congrats on your wins!
That's so cool! I haven't won a giveaway yet, but I'm still trying!
How much fun! The one and only blog give away I've ever won was a book which was the perfect thing for me!
Thanks for stopping by my site. I love having new people visit. Sorry it's taken me FOREVER to say "hi" back myself. I look forward to reading your blog!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I always enjoy meeting someone new.
thanks for visiting my blog, i enjoyed yours as well, hope you will visit me again soon! until then, i will be getting your updates!
Hello Shauna, I dont know how you found my blog, but I wanted to hop over and thank you for the visit.
Shauna, thanks for stopping by to say hi. Great to meet you. I have three boys too, although sound like mine are a bit older than yours, 26, 23, 18. But we had some whirlwind years in there as well.
It passes quickly, as you know. Enjoy!!
Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Keep up the good work..Do find time to drop by my site and post your views... Take care.. Cheers mate!!!
Yep - - - our truck has lifts on it too - - - I'm not kidding, they look like twin trucks except ours is burgundy instead of candy apple red.
We got ours used - - - ours also has an "off road" package on it, does yours?
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