Here is my final 100th post giveaway...
To enter leave a comment telling me what a true friend means
to you... The winners will get a friendship surprise package put together with lots of l♥ve! I'll post the winners Sat. March 14th!
Good luck everyone :)
Low maintenance. One you know will be there no matter what is happening in your life. They except the good, bad and ugly.
Oh toughy! I have lots of true friends..ones that have entered my life and enriched it before leaving for whatever reason. Ones that enter and stayed because they liked where the journey was taking us. So for me a TRUE FRIEND is a person who has entered my life and made me a better person for knowing them, even if they are no longer in my life, I needed them once, they made me who i am. It is someone i've loved like family and would do anything for even if i hadn't spoken to them for years.
Happy 100th Post! Woopeee!!! :)
A true friend is there through it all. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Someone you can trust. Someone who's there "through it all", fun times, difficult times, sick times.
WOW, this is kind of hard because being a true friend can mean so many things. I really believe that a true friend is one that you can be your complete self with, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and one that loves for your flaws and all. I think a true friend is one that you can go awhile without speaking and pick up the phone and it’s like no time has passed. There’s those friends that are for a season, a reason, and a lifetime, and a true friend I believe is a lifetime friend. All this and more is what I believe is a true friend!!!!
I've had 42 years to figure this one out finally. Unfortunately through trial and error! To me a true friend is there ALWAYS. Not just when you are funny, and happy, or things are going great. But they are there when the waters are rough, when you aren't your best,nicest self and life is basically in the crapper. This friend loves you despite your shortcomings and just accepts them as part of who you are. At the same time, bringing out the best in you, and always encouraging you to do and be better. A true friend knows your family, your other friends, your trials, your insecurities, your fears, your triumphs, your wins, your successes and stands by you with every single one of them. A true friend is someone you might talk to 6 times a day or once a week, but the feelings and the traits are the same. A true friend will never gossip about you or say things when you are not there, that they wouldn't be able to say with you right in front of them. You honestly know where you stand with them, and they with you. There are no "games" among true friends. You don't have to worry about whether or not you hurt their feelings, because A. You know them that well and B. They would say something to you if you crossed the line.
A true friend, finds a way to help you laugh through the tough times without diminishing your trials. She/He helps you find your silver lining without being preachy. A true friend "has your back" for any and every thing.
A true friend is a rare gem indeed, but once you find one or two or three, you want to hang on to them like prized possesions because you know they aren't to be trifled with. And in return, you become a true friend as well.
Love this post Shauna!!
♥♥♥ a true friend is someone who l♥ves u for who u are .. someone who knows the true u .. no secrets .. tells u the truth b/c they know they won't hurt ur feelings .. as close as family .. i've been blessed w/more true friends than i could have ever hoped for! ♥♥♥
A true friend is someone who sticks it out with you even though it might not be pretty. Someone who will pick you up and dust you off when you fall. A true friend is a part of your heart, and you always feel them there even if there is physical distance between you and them.
A true friend to me is someone who is there for you, good and bad, can make you laugh, doesnt expect anything in return but friendship, always has a hug or an ear whichever you may need, knows that even if life gets in the way (as it does)you can always find each other through the muckety muck, and is someone that can tell you how it is even if it might not be what we want to hear....and of course has lots of l♥ve!!!!
oh and will loan a sweater or pair of shoes or whatever if nothing in your closet fits or looks right!!!!!!
There are so many defintions. Here are a few of my favorites!!! Enjoy!! A friend to me is someone who, when you fall down, waits to find out you are all right before they laugh at you. A friend is not only one that gets into trouble with you, but is always there to bil you out if you need them. A friends is someone who accepts you for who you are, encourages you to be who you want to be and helps carry your load during your trials and cheers you on in your triumphs.
True friendship is loyalty--through the ups and downs. Who gives back where the relationship isn't one sided and who helps make you into a better person! But I also love Charles Dickens' quote: "There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate." :0)
A true friend is someone that is always there for you. Through the good and bad. They are also the ones that you can go days..if not weeks at a time without seeing them. And when you do finally catch up to them, you are able to pick up right where you left off. Together you compliment each others personalities, and always standing by each other.
here's what a true friend means to me...someone you can totally be yourself around, they won't judge you, you feel comfortable around them even on your worst days, they want to help you feel better when you are down, they encourage you, accept you, and have fun with you. unfortunately i just havent come across very many of these in life. :(
A true friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. Even all the bad spots... to me a true friend is my sister!
A true friend is someone who will tell you like it is and not sugar coat it. A true friend is someone who makes you a better person.
A true friend is one who litens, and laughs at your jokes. Calls just to see how you're doing, and thinks your kids are cute.
A real friend is always there for you no matter what. They're good to laugh with, cry with and even just sit with in silence. They make life better! :)
Happy 100th post!! :)
Oh I have been so blessed with the best of friends...
They share their inner light which brightens ours...
A True Friend just warms you by their presence, trusts us with their secrets and always remembers us in their prayers.
A True friend ALWAYS finds time...even if their isn't time to listen, be there and help when ever a need arises.
They continue to love when our actions makes it hard to do so...
A true friend can pick up a conversation ...although years have separated them.
A friend takes us as we are... No matter the imperfections or the mood... and when together we create a spark of magic and trust.
A friend is someone, who we can laugh with and cry with all in the same minute. Love the laughter!!!
A friend is someone who becomes part of our heart... forever.
Whew... I think I need to call a friend!!! :-)
Funny thing that I just posted on this topic recently! A friendship is two sided, its nurtured, loved respected and even if time passes you can pick up right where you left off. You know that they are there for you no matter what and you for them. It comes easy and natural to both of you :)
I love what Jan said, Low maintenance.
Someone who is there for you even when you haven't really *talked* in several months. You know you can always just pick back up where you left off.
Someone who I can trust. They can know about all the ins and outs of my trials and I can be SURE they won't spill the beans to people I don't want knowing.
Someone who misses me when I'm not around.
Someone who *I* miss when THEY'RE not around
Someone who is always doing their best to lift up another even when they're down in the dumps.
True love means never having to say you're sorry. Oh wait...that's what Barbra Streisand said in 'What's Up Doc.'
Fine. True love is accepting AND appreciating someone for who they truly are being accepted and appreciated by them for who you truly are.
I think a true friend means being loyal and supportive of each other.
LOVE you!! Your blog is so happy and fun, I can't get enough of it. :) A true friend will never judge and always encourage. There is no competition and is always happy for you. They are there and care and remember your birthdays! :)
A friend is someone who loves you no matter what your house looks like, what you look like, what type of car you drive or where you shop. A friend is someone who can finish your sentences and will laugh and cry with you.
To me friendship means always being there for each other. It requires no drama, just love and support. A true friend always comes through.
Someone who is there for you no matter what. Someone woh can lift your spirits when you are down.
Hi there, I am excited.. I have endured many true friends this past year, one of them is Amy- her husband is fighting cancer and the endurance this lady has and the love for other's amazes me, we have the best time together and she knows she can come into my home anytime day or night we are there for each other no matter what.
I then have Lynnette who's husband is waiting a heart transplant, with her we can talk about anything under the stars and she is supportive and lets me vent, not just anyone can be a true friend, a true friend NEVER turns there back on you even if they do not agree...
Wow...what can I say that hasn't already been said! Nothing.
My favorite saying takes a friend to be a friend".
OH and congrats on your 100th post!
A true friend doesn't ask what they can do--they've already done it!!!
A true friend hugs you when words won't heal you.
A true friend cries, laughs, worries, rejoices, and prays with you.
A true friend is a forever friend.
I have been blessed to have many true friends. The ones that love me know matter where I live, or how much time we can spend together. The ones that keep in touch and when we do get together again, it's like we've never been apart. The ones that are there for me in good times and bad and uplift me when times are bad. The ones that feel like family.
I hope that your life is full of true friends.
I got the lavendar bath set today! Thanks so much Shauna! the way, the smell is DIVINE.
A true friend is a person who been with you through the ups and downs. They have seen you at your worst and still are there to lend a hand or welcome you with open arms♥ A true friend knows when to listen, offer advice or just lend an ear without saying a word♥ A true friend accepts the good with the bad and loves you for who you are!
Thank you Shauna for giving us the opportunity to really appreciate our "true friends" ~♥~
A true friend is one who if you contact them after being distant for a time, they still love you and chat with you as if no time has passed at all. Basically, one who understands that you both have your own lives, but that you really DO enjoy each other's company when you can.
A true friend is someone who is always there for you even when they can't be there for you, they are there in their heart. My best friend of 35 years lives in oklahoma and I in ohio. we email,talk on the phone, text and correspond through snail mail. we've been together through loss of eyesight, cancer, surgery and when we both lost our parents. Being there throuh good times and bad, for a laugh, cry or a secret. we see each other once a year but we're together always in our hearts. She is my joy, (and she know me) = o She's my B.F.F.
A true friend to me is some one that understands and listens. Someone that is there at 3am when you can't stop crying. They just love you because they LOVE you. I have a true friend and I don't know what I would be without her!
I think a true friend is someone you can trust and will always be there for you doing the good and bad times.
Congrats on your 100th post!
Laid back.. Unconditional. The one that can go without speaking for a year, and pick up like it was yesterday..
a true friend to me is something i have searched out long and hard. i have finally come to the realization that i would rather have fewer true friends than a large circle of halfway friends. that being said, someone who lets me be me with no judgements but is still able to reign me in when needed. someone i can completely trust and be myself with and someone who brings out the best in me and makes me want to be a better person. you are so generous with the giveaways! i promise your gift is coming....i just have to do the finishing touches:)happy thursday!
Great Giveaway!! I think a true friend is someome who will listen to you when you need a shoulder to cry on. Someone who is understanding and who cares about you. Someone you love to be around who makes you happy and a better person. Someone like You!!!!!
A true friend is someone who knows you inside and out, and loves you anyway.
A true frined is someone that time nor distance diminishs.
True friendship is someone who sticks by you no matter what - knows the worst about you & still loves you!
A true friend, loves unconditionally, supports with continued lift and makes you a better person just by being there. Someone like you!
I love my friends, but there's one I would be hardpressed to live without. He has lifted me up to see beyond what I thought was possible. He knew I could do things I never thought possible. He thinks I'm the most beautiful woman on the planet, and he sees me naked:-) He's my eternal companion and my best friend, and how fortunate I am to be married to him!
A true friend is someone I can laugh with, pray with, and cry with. One who will tell me when I am wrong, and will tell me what I need to be told, not just what I want to be told. She is someone that builds my faith, and walks with me in this journey of life - till we make it home!
I opted not to read the other posts so that I wouldn't steal from anyone!!
A true friend is honest, selfless, uplifting, imperfect and forgiving.
A true friend loves you in spite of AND because of your failures and weaknesses.
A true friend knows you inside and out and still finds you divinely beautiful.
A true friend is one you can call at any hour without pausing to question the time. It is someone with whom you can share your REAL thoughts (uncensored) without ever being afraid of losing that said friend.
A true friend includes Christ in their life and Christ in turn helps to uplift that true friendship.
A true friend is someone that you love as much as they love you.
A true friend will always be....a true friend.
To me...knowing what to say, or sometimes knowing when to say nothing at all. My best friends are the ones who truly allow me to be ME!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and letting me know you were new. Lots of people don't do that, so....Hi, Shauna!
Looks like I came by just in time for your final giveaway, too. A true friend is someone who can keep a secret and not tell another soul, and those are certainly few and far between.
Happy 100th post!
What else is there to say? A true friend is someone who would do anything for you when you need them.
Someone who loves ya know matter how crazy ya can be!
one that sends you packages for your birthday- thank you for such a sweet surprise!
True friends means trusting each other. It means spending hours and days together and still wanting to hang out. It means fighting like sister and having an inseperable bond. It means being able to tell them anything and knowing it will stay between the two of you. It means having to families that love and treat you like theirs. True friends means so much, yet so many friendships are taken for granted.
I love this post. Someone sent me an email the other day that I loved. The name of it was value and it went like this:"Your Value Never Changes" A popular speaker started off his lecture by holding up a $20 bill. In the room teeming with people, he asked. "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you - but first, let me do this."
He proceeded to crumple the 20 dollar note up. He then asked. "Now who wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he continued, "what if I do this?" He dropped it on the floor and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless; but no matter what happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who love you. The worth of our lives comes, not in what we do or who we know, but by...Who We Are.
This is Rex Barker, reminding you that you, and everyone else is special, unique and has value that no one else has. Please never ever forget this.
I don't usually like these types of emails but this one was sent to me from a friend when I really needed to hear it and they knew I needed to hear it.
A true friend instinctly knows when you need them and will be there for you without asking them.
A friend knows how to lift your spirits when you are down.
A friend loves you for who you are.
A friend knows when to be quiet and listen.
A friend will give their all to you through thick and thin.
I love you posted this, I was thinking of doing a post about friendship. Friendship to me is someone I know I can call at anytime. They don't always have to be someone right here. I've actually met some amazing friends in the bloggy world. They can light my day just with a comment or a secert package :). Happy 100th Post!
A true friend is someone who is there for you no matter what, whether things are good or bad and will help you through anything.
A true friend is there for you through thick and thin. You can tell them anything and trust them with your secrets. They'll tell it to you like it is when it is absolutely necessary, and boost your confidence with little white lies when it's not. :P
A true friend to me is someone who accepts you for who you are. They are not jealous of you. They are there for you no matter what. They are truly happy for you when good things come you way.
Happy 100th Post!
To me friendship is a gift from above. I think God puts certain people in our lives that he knows will be fulfilling and a blessing. I like a friend who I feel comfortable sharing my feelings with and in return not be put down for what I feel. And to me you don't have to see one another all the time or do things with them to be friends. People can still be great friends and live 3000 miles apart.
thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving the feedback. :) Happy 100th post to you!
A friend is someone who knows your heart, shares private jokes, remembers your secrets, and shares your griefs and joys.
A true friend is there for you no matter how inconveneient it is.
A True Friend? More than words can ever imagine. They are Priceless and beyond..
Hi Shauna! I'm glad you found my blog! It's always great to meet new blog friends! I'll be back again! :)
Thanks so much for dropping by my site. Don't hesitate to come by and visit often!
I have one or two people I consider "True Friends". Both have been in my life for more than 10 years and know the good, the bad, and the ugly about me and still love me. They have weathered many storms as well as fountains of joy in my life and have stuck with me through both extremes. I am extremely blessed to have these women in my corner on a daily basis though we all live far apart geographically.
Wow, a true friend.......hmmm, there are so many qualities of a true friend. Top of my list would be when we haven't seen each other in a long while we look at each other, take a deep breath, and finish the sentences we didn't get to last time, just like there wasn't the span of time between us at all.
a true friend.
Someone with whom you share a bond that cannot be broken even with the passage of time and distance.
ps. just wrote that from my heart.
love your blog....adorable..
Friends are always there for you through thick and thin... either to chat and chat and chat.. or just simply lay and stare at the cieling with you:)
I love pooh bears.
real friends tell you when you have snot hangin out of your nose or when your outfit is a no-no. and they will tell you your butt looks terrible in those jeans!
A true friend is someone that loves you just as you are. A true friend is one that even though you might not live close by when you see them it is just like yesterday that you saw them. A true friend listens and cares about what you are saying.
One of my most favorite topics: friendship!
A friend loveth at all times. Proverbs 17:17
I have to say that I've been blessed with many friends over my 27 years of life. However, it took quite a few years to truly understand the meaning of friendship.
To me, a friend is someone who:
~Loves you just for who you are.
~Is honest is all they say and do.
~Gives generously and puts others before themselves.
~Lives their life for the Lord.
~Will walk with you down ANY road you may end up taking and remain right by your side, AT ALL TIMES!!
There are so many more, but those are some of the best. I cherish each and every one of my friends and again, am so blessed and thankful that they are a part of my life!
Happy 100th. My true friend is one who loves me even when I complain about trivial things, one who doesn't play down my feelings, and one who will let me listen when they want to talk.
Have a happy day!
True friends have been hard for me to find along way of life. I think a true friend is there even when life, or you, is ugly. And especially when there's something to celebrate. They don't get jealous or put you down to make themselves feel better....I learned that one the hard way. ;o) And with true friends you can always just pick up where you left off. And, a true friend is knowing what your friend feels makes a true friend and respecting that, even if you disagree.
A true friend tells you the truth no matter what, will come wherever you are whenever you need them, will listen to your kid stories with a big smile and will love you unconditionally forever! You may not see them for months, but you can always pick right back up like no time has passed!
Congrats on your 100th post Shauna! A true friend to me is someone who cries with you, laughs with you, and celebrates life's little moments with you.
I have a few really good friends. True friendship to me is someone who you can count on, someone who will tell you the truth, somwone that can help you to be a better person. A true friend is one that you can be yourself with.
Congrats on the 100th post!!!
A True Friend is someone who you can be yourself with, laugh with, cry with, love with, watch TV reality shows with, go to church with, raise children with, worship 'GRANDbabies' with, go on secret trips with and grow old with (OH MY GOSH---i JUST gave it away!!!) A True Friend is my soulmate, my hubby, my bestfriend!!!
This should be easy. I have great friends. ☺ A real friend is someone who loves you for fakeness. Also someone who is always there no matter the circumstance. Someone you can laugh with...someone who helps create fun times and good memories.
Oh and congrats on your 100th post!
YAY for your 100th post! Congrats! A true friend thinks you are pretty great just the way you are but will still be honest enough to tell you when you aren't
Okay, I'd just like to steal everyones comments and say Ditto. LOL! I thought of you when I went to Disneyland last weekend and cuddled up to the cutest Tigger stuffed animal!!! Now THATS true friendship right? I thought of you every time I saw Tigger, hee hee. Hugs, hugs!
DITTO all your comments!!
But "Give me one friend, just one, who meets the needs of all my varying moods." That is a forever friend!!
A friend loveth at all times.
I believe this huge truth from Proverbs 17:17 says everything that can be said about friendship. Through the good times and the bad times, a friend is there waiting. A friend loves unconditionally.
It's so hard to 'be' that person ... to be a 'friend'.
A friend knows it isn't all about him ~ it's about the other one. A friend walks into a room thinking, "There you are" not "Here am I."
And frankly, most of us still think it's all about us ~ and here we are.
I think that all that I go through, a true friend is someone who sticks with you and remains to keep the friendship no matter what and is always there with a shoulder to cry on. It is someone who I will always consider family and will always have a place in my heart.
I always try to put my friends feeling first! See things throught my friends eyes! Being a good listener!
A true friend knows your needs before you realize your own. They listen with real intent. They are just a phone call away whenever you need them.
What a cute idea for a post.
Hi friend,
Just letting you know surgery went well and I am recovering nicely. Lots of pain meds and rest help too :)
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