Saturday, February 21, 2009

You asked for more about me...

When I asked for feedback on what you'd all like to see more of on this blog, you asked for more about me. Here's a little about me :)

I love my family and friends very much! The Lord has blessed me with three precious boys that I am so very thankful for!

I love to serve others and to make people laugh! I think having a sense of humor is what keeps me going!

I also enjoy reading! On hard days the scriptures bring me much needed strength and peace!

I LOVE violin music! I used to play when I was in grade school! I decided to buy a violin and start playing again. Here I am in a recital...I have no problem speaking in public, but this was SCARY for me!! So I might only be playing at home for the dog. My boys complain when I play. But then again I think when a squeaky sound comes out of the violin it hurts the dogs ears and she doesn't like it much either lol!

I got to see my favorite violinist Jenny Oaks Baker play! I also got to talk to her and get my picture with her! It was awesome :)

Yes I can shop until
I drop!
Then when I get tired I sit down
and try on shoes!
(I love shoes)!

I love to go out to eat! Dinner always tastes better when someone else cooks it! I really DO NOT enjoy cooking! But luckily my hubby likes to cook! His famous chocolate chip cookie recipe is in our ward cookbook! I don't mind cooking dinners sometimes (if I have too:).
My hubby bakes the cookies, cinnamon rolls etc. at our house.

My Mom and sister say before coming to earth I was saying goodbye and giving hugs to all my close family and friends and that is why my mom was in such long labor with me. I believe it! I treasure my close relationships! Even my dear friendship with Hayley dog (our neighbors dog) who is giving me love in the picture below :) Thank You to all those I share a close relationship with and for putting forth your love and effort to keep it strong! I love you all lots! Hugs :)

Watch for more about me coming soon!


Nonna said...

A post starring Shauna...It's about time and I really admire your musical talent...the violin is a very difficult instrumment to learn to play !

chelle said...

I loved this post. It is great to get to know you better. I laughed when I read about your mom being in labor a long time because you were saying goodbye to all your friends. I can so see that. I love reading and dogs and family and friends and violin music also. Were we twin separate at birth? LOL M

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed getting to know you better! I think that's great that you picked up playing the violin again.

Kristina P. said...

Fun post!

It will be nice to meet you tomorrow.

Becca Watson said...

I played the violin as a kid too. I didn't like it that much. I moved on to playing the flute..

Thanks for sharing more about you! Can't wait to learn more things about you!!♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Shauna... You certainly do have an adorable blog! It's been fun reading your posts... I'd like to thank you for your recent visit and kind comment... I hope you'll be able to come back, anytime... Do take special care, and have a wonderful weekend...

Blessings... Pearl

UtahJenny said...

I totally believe that statement about you saying goodbye before coming ... I can see that! Love the picture with your dog - and how brave to pick up the violin again ... I used to play the flute and I'm a bit tentative to get it going again. Hmmmm - maybe we could do a duet ;)

susette said...

Oh Shauna, such fun stuff to learn and read about you. The music is sounding great, keep it up. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Jan said...

What a great mom to capture a moment in labor as something so beautiful. This was so great to read. I feel something has changed inside of you. A peace that has been restored. I really am so grateful for that Shauna.

I love the last picture. It speaks volumes to me. :)

Happy for you.

Kathy - mom of many said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by and saying hello. My 12 year old son plays the violin too. I tell him he has to get good enough to play at his 6 sisters' weddings.

Anonymous said...

I loved to read more about you - your talents and about your family and voilin etc its great! Thank you so much for sharing those things about you!

Cammie said...

Hi!!! Great post

Wendyburd1 said...


i have no talent for instruments!!!

Missy Glave said...

Hi Shauna ... thank you for visiting my blog. You have a fun and wonderful blog ... I'll be back!

Michelle Jamie said...

You flattered me with your visit, esp since I've now visited your blogg!! I love the violen. I wanted to learn it but my friend who has her masters in music and teaches it says my hearing at my age will be too affected to learn to hear the notes well. So my children will at least attempt it on my behalf..ha ha...I do not live through my children *wink* *wink*

Sarah said...

I think dinner, or any meal, no matter what it is, always tastes better when someone else cooks it too!

Melissa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Always happy to see new faces. I play the violin myself! Good for you for taking it up again!

Have a great weekend,

Allison Walton said...

Thanks for visiting our blog! It's always nice to meet new friends. Does your neighbor have a great dane? We were wondering, because Waldo is a great dane, and we love reading about them!

We hope to see you around!

Gus and Waldo
(and Dog Mom)

lsnellings said...

Great post! I wish I had learned the violin! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Emily said...

Fun! I love shopping too and I always wanted to play the violin!

Carolina Mama said...

Hey, you have a great blog too. :) Thanks for visiting. You went to the Sundance Festival! I love Sundance and would like to return to the festival.

Let us know how we can pray for you at "Pray It Friday!"

Anonymous said...

awww great pix and another fellow musician! very cool~

Erin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Her birthday list is long ha ha! You prolly think I am crazy! :)

Loved learning more about you!! Those posts are always fun!!

Just SO said...

Yay! Love getting to know more about you.

I don't like cooking either but I would much rather make a dessert than dinner. Very cool that you play the violin. I can't read music.

Megan said...

Thank you for your comment on my I hope you will follow. Your blog looks super fun! I'm guessing you are LDS also?

Unknown said...

I bet it amazing to hear you play!

Cooking is my least favorite job too!

Emma F said...

This is such a good post! I really enjoy getting to know you better and learning some new things about you! :o)

just the five of us said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It was fun to read about you. My daughter plays the violin and I am going to let her read your post, she wants to give it up!

RoeH said...

That was fun. Love getting to know you better.

Sharon said...


Elena said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoyed this post and learning about you. My husband and I really love violin music too! Have a wonderful day:)

Kate said...

I just loved hearing more about you. I bet if we lived close together we would get together GREAT like we do in the blogging world. I just adore the picture of you with your dog. I think it is awesome that you are playing the violin. Thanks for posting about you. You are awesome.

rachel said...

YAY Shauna! This was an awesome post. That is so cool that you play the violin. And I so agree with you about dinner tasting best when someone else cooks it. Cooking is my least favorite "chore." If I had unlimited $$$, I think I would hire a personal chef :)

SouthernDogwoods said...

Great blog! Thanks for stopping by mine! Please feel free to come back and visit again soon!!!

Julie H said...

Nice to meet you, thanks for visiting my blog!

tammy said...

Love this post. So fun to get to know you better. I love the violin and wish I could play. At least I get to accompany others on the piano while they play. It's almost as good. I laughed about you saying goodbye to all your friends while your mom was in labor too. That's funny.

Lady T said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog & welcome! Your blog is adorable and I look forward to following it!

Lady T said...

Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog & welcome! I am looking forward to following your blog! It's adorable and I have enjoyed reading it!

Kari said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my blog!

I always wanted to play the violin...when I was younger my friends and I would grab some tennis rackets and a stick and would pretend like we were playing violins in an orchestra. It's awesome that you know how to play the real thing! =)

Have a great weekend!!


Heatherlyn said...

It's fun to see more about who you are.

I like the violin. I have to admit, I like the cello even better. So much more mellow. I thought about having my kids start on the violin so that they could switch later on. And then, well, piano is enough. If my kids want to learn a second instrument they will have to be completely self-motivated. Keep it up, though. Years and years more of practice ought to get all the squeeks out! I think it's great!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

I ♥ that pic of you with the doggy. So natural and fresh-looking. It is so nice to know more about you. I share your love for the violin and its beautiful, sometimes mournful melodies. Both sad and soothing, which makes it all the sweeter.

Michelle said...

only 4 seconds of your recital??? loved the clip :)

It is great to get to know you and wonderful that you are continuing to develop your talents!!

love the pictures

Anonymous said...

shauna... you are so pretty! :) and i love these pictures & learning more about you :')

namaste said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! It's nice to "meet" you. I love the "long labor" post.... too funny!

Ginger said...

Great post, learning things about you!!! I agree with you on cooking, it tastes so much better when someone else makes it.

That Girl said...

LOVE IT!!!! ... especially the violin. That's one of those "I've always wanted to do" things. ... I'll probably make my sons learn it. ;o)

Unknown said...

I'm totally impressed that you took back up violin! Way to go.
It's been fun learning new things about you.

tiki_lady said...

I absolutely loved this post! you are so beautiful and your smile is absolutely infectious and inviting! Love seeing you and your fam!

Devri said...

I have no musical talent. you are one lucky lady. I loved this post, I love getting to know the people I stalk a little bit better. ;0)

Have a wonderful Sunday little lady.

Tammy said...

Thank you for dropping by.
I really enjoyed looking at your blog.
Love the pictures of the famous people! :)

ShEiLa said...

thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment... so many don't.

I scrolled down...
you have quite the interesting blog here too. Love all the film festival photos. How much fun could I have doing that???


Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Loved reading more about you! I hope you are having a fan-tab-u-lous weekend! {hugs}

mCat said...

Loved the post! And, it was great meeting you today! Wish there was more time to talk

Vanessa said...

Great to meet you today!!!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Thanks for giving us a peek at you!! Hope your weekend is going well.

Kathy said...

Good to meet you today, and great to learn more about you from this post! I would love to go to lunch again sometime :)

Unknown said...

I love shopping too!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

We have so much in, eating, reading, family, blessings.......what a lovely glimpse into you!

Annette Lyon said...

SO GREAT to see more of YOU here!

And it was fantastic to see you at the lunch! (Three cheers for salmon! :D)

Bonnie said...

Hi Shauna! thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! :)

the Lola Letters said...

It was great meeting you too! What a perfect post to happen upon when I am just getting to know you! A hubs that loves to cook? A-mazing, and I really love violin music too. I love Jenny Oaks Baker's CDs. It is a wonderful instrument.

-Melissa- said...

I loved reading this post and getting to know you better. I agree that meals cooked by others taste so much better. :)

Sandy said...

Great post! I love the violin! I can't play it though:0(

Amy said...

Thank you. It is nice to learn more about you. I love hugs, too. With just about anyone! So sending you a super-duper hug, my friend! ♥

Bonnie the Boss said...

Love the bottom picture! So cute! It was nice meeting you yesterday as well!

nikkicrumpet said... was good to get to know you better!

Dolly said...

Finally-we can see into your world:D Thanks for the fun post!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Mmm, you and I could get along ma'am. I love to shop and hate to cook too! Although, I'll admit, I am tone deaf, so that leaves the violin thing out... Have a great week!

carrhop said...

I love getting to know more about you, sweet friend!


Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I always wanted to take violin lessons as a kid. I got stuck learning the accordion (for a very short while) instead! I like to cook, but hate to clean up afterwards. And I always end up cleaning up myself. I can't wait until the kids are older and I can delegate that job!

Mikki said...

Awesome post!! So good to get to know you a little more.

Nicole said...

Thanks for stopping by, I love your blog. This was a great post for me to start reading on.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

AWESOME to know more about you, that was fantastic! I grew up saturated in violin music as my dad was a concert violinist. YoYo Ma (I know he's cello but my dad still adored him) and Itzak Pehrlman, were big in our house. That's so awesome that you're such a talented violinist!

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

That was a great post. I used to play the violin as well. Now, not so much. I admire that you've picked it up again. I really enjoyed meeting you in person on Saturday. We didn't really get to chat but now I feel like I know more about you!

Rhonda said...

Awesome! What a fun post. The best pic is the one of you so happy with the doggie. How precious is THAT???

Jen said...

What a fun post! I love these posts you are doing on "you". You're a sweetheart and one talented chick-a-roo! Love you.

whoopsadasie said...

Wow...look how many comments you had to this post! You are one LOVED LADY by us ALL!

Donna said...

That was fun to read and learn more about you. I love the violin too. Good for you for taking it up again! I have two of Jenny Oaks Baker's CDs and they are wonderful.

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

I love seeing this much about you! I know you are very loved for sure.
I love to shop too...and girlfriend if I lived near ya, we'd be shopping...oh, and eating out!
I love that you have a talent at playing a violin. How awesome is that!
Thanks for telling us a little more about the wonderful person behind this blog!

Kellie said...

That's cool that you play the violin. In our ward we have a family where all the kids play the violin and the youngest one (14) went to a contest in England and was named the Best Young Violinist In the World. Pretty intimidating, I think.

Unknown said...

I played the violin when I was a kid. I am sure that my boys would be horrified if I took lessons again! But I too retained my love of the music!

Sher said...

I didn't know you could play violin! Why did we only get 4 seconds? I want to hear more!
I played violin when I was younger. ONe of the biggest regrets of my life is quitting. I'd like to start learning again, too.

Penelope said...

I LOVE the violin, and have always wanted to learn to play. Sadly, I've never taken the time...but I plan to someday!

Great post! I enjoyed getting to know you!

Ashley said...

Great post! I'm so glad to learn more about you! I love shopping too, and I love to eat out. Trying out new restaurants or visiting favorite restaurants is just so much fun!

Cathy said...

Thanks for visiting my music website and commenting. I'm glad you liked it. Your blog is neat too! I love the violin! That is so neat you play. It IS hard to play in front of somebody, isn't it.