My mom is always telling me "calm down my dear". Another reason, HELLO... I have three teenage boys :)
I just got called to teach the Sunbeams. After my first day last Sunday I really need to stay calm :) I am trying to take things minute by minute and some days second by second to stay as happy and calm as possible :) Hope you all have a great day! ♥ Hugs!
You seem so nice and calm on your blogs and in person!
I echo Kristina. When I met you at the lunch, you seem like such a calm, cool cat. Who knew??
Good luck with the three teenage boys. Been there.Done that.
I need to calm down quite a bit too! I love 'calms' an herbal sublingual through Hylands, it really works- my issue is teenage girls!
You seem to handle things with such grace! You're an amazing person! I love you.
I don't want teenagers--EVER!! How can I stop the growth/aging process NOW?!
Ok, your blog IS appropriately titled!
Hey if you figure it out... well that's just gold in your pocket baby! I have 4 boys. Only one is in the throws of teenagerhood... I am feeling anxious about the rest coming up.
LOL sounds like a normal mom.
i love the optimum word there ...TRYING... Let me know your secret ...i need it.
Everyone should try and stay calm!!! But especially one with 3 teens!!! ;-)
Anyone with kids (much less three boys, Hello!) can understand that title. ;)
staying calm is definitely a talent!! i remind myself daily to breathe :)
Teenage boys= stress. I understand why you are Trying to stay calm.
Honey, don't try to be calm....embrace the chaos! It's much funner!
Besides, the true joy comes years later when you watch those teenage boys carry their own screaming little ones out of church after a huge tantrum.....it's a beautiful thing, makes me warm and fuzzy inside!
Love your blog!
Your retro banner cracks me up...love it.
Deep breaths...staying calm...I think we could all use that advice!
I can totally relate to the 3 teenage boys...been there done that, (just like Melissa said)
I used to get so stressed out all the time. Now I hate to say it, but the empty nest gets a little boring for me.
LOL - toddler and a newborn. Does that trump teenager? ;-)
It was great to chat with you today!!
I believe I was the one that asked that. Thanks for answering. You seem like you handle things well. I know that I have to keep trying to stay calm too! lol 6 kids, ya know. lol
Ya know girl, when I met you on Saturday you seemed anything but STRESSED. I would never have thought of you that way. You were outgoing, anxious to talk to everyone, made people feel comfortable, so willing to include me in your converations, warm, funny, beautiful---------stressed?? Nah
I can only imagine what 3 teenage boys would be like, def. agree with other people that you seem calm on your blogs. :o) You are always spreading the comment love - which just brings smiles to people's faces.
Hi Shauna, thank you for the kind comment you left on my blog http://mylady-depressionhelp.blogspot.com/ I really appreciate comments. Your blog looks great as well... a lot of followers...must be great!
I'm always reminding myself to breathe...and my 3 teenage boys are all growed up!
Of course I don't really know you, but you just seem so sweet and laid back...I'm gonna need some tips about raising teenage boys in a few years...At least all 5 of them can't be teenagers at the same time!
I would never know that a stress ball existed behind your fun, happy, and relaxing posts!! You're like me, I'm constantly stressed out even when there's nothing to be stressed about, I find stress!
You are crazy. That's why you are you. And I'm glad that someone stresses out as much as me. I just hold it in better I guess. ♥ ya!
3 teenage boys ... say no more. m
I couldn't imagine trying to keep up with 3 teenagers. I can see why you are always so stressed! :o)
Sunbeams--hope you can take Sunday naps!!
I only have 2 teens--1 boy, 1 girl. But have 4 little ones and they tire me out!!
Calm??? or Sane!!!
I love the Sunbeams...that is the funnest job. They are so darn cute!
I think staying calm should be a goal for everyone!
I've received a few yucky comments over the years, but not too many. It's hurtful though. I say just consider the source and move on. There are too many nice people out there to worry about those that aren't.
WOW! You sure have a lot to deal with!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!
I think you should pretty calm to me...although I know how it feels to be told that...CALM DOWN! LOL!
Hi Shauna, I can relate to the three teenage boys, though we had our last teenage birthday last year. Help! Yes, I need to stay calm too.
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