Monday, February 16, 2009

Sundance Festival 2009...

Here we are at the Sundance Festival in Park City! We
got to meet several fun stars and got tons of pictures :)
Some of the stars we got to meet and get our pictures
with were Jim Carey, Robin Williams, Christie Brinkley,
Tommy Davidson and a few others. We had lots fun!!


Erin said...

How exciting for you! I've never been to Park City during the Festival. Was it crazy busy?

Anonymous said...

That is so much fun! What a memory!

Barbaloot said...

Ah---I love Jim Carrey. I am much jealous.

Lilly said...

Oh that is awesome!!!! Tell me what is Christie Brinkly like up close? I have always liked her a lot. As for Robin Williams that would be a dream come true - is that your head resting on his shoulder girl? Woo hoo!!!

Michelle said...

looks like you had a ton of fun!! Awesome.

tammy said...

I wish I was there!

Gill said...

omg how very, very cool! I am actually quite jealous ;)

Looks like you guys had a blast :D

Unknown said...

Wow, you lucky girl you...How fun. It's so cool to actually see their pictures other than in a magazine! Thanks for sharing

Carla said...

what fun! I guess that last picture is a couple of 'local' stars:)

Ginger said...

Didn't see Robert Redford? Isn't he the one who started Sundance? Not sure. But it looks like you had a great time.

susette said...

you are so cute! i like how you cozy up right next to the stars

rachel said...

That is so cool Shauna! I have always wanted to do that, but have been scared of all the crowds! Was this your first time? I'm really tempted now to go next year :)

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Woohoo!!! Girl!!

Anonymous said...


so... do you get "star struck"... or is it no big deal?

I have not met many stars. I have seen several, but I'm not sure how I would be to be so up close and personal.


Anonymous said...

yay! It looks like yall had so much fun. Great pics. So exciting.

Kim said...

AWESOME!! I have lived in Utah my who life and never been up to the Sundance Film Festival, but looking at how much the two of you had and knowing that you can now call Robin and Jim friends. LOL.

Glad to see you having a good time.

Unknown said...

How fun! I've always wanted to go to the Sundance Festival! I love your pictures.

amelia said...

Love the one leaning on Robin Williams - awesome.

Anonymous said...

How awesome to see these again! I would love to go next year! My fave is Robin Williams! But my fave stories were with obnoxious Jim Carrey!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

That is so cool! For as long as I have lived in Utah..I have never taken the time to go to Sundance. I should put that on my Bucket List!

Lisa said...



nikkicrumpet said...

Very cool! My daughter went up last year and got to hang out with Paris Hilton for the evening...the pictures still crack me up. It looks like you guys had a great time!

jennykate77 said...

Way cool!! Love the pics...that's an awesome experience!

Bren's Life said...

How fun is that! Were people standing in long lines to get their autugraphs or how does it work? Do you get to see any of the films?

Omgirl said...

Boy, that Jim Carrey is showing his age, isn't he?

UtahJenny said...

looks like christie was making a move on your man - hee hee - what fun you must have had - i love robin w.

Just SO said...

Very cool! I never would have recognized Jim Carey without you saying who you got pictures with!

Nonna said...

Cool...that is one of the events on my to-do list.I especially like that you two got pics with the Sundance backdrop !

Mary Ellen said...

So cool! You're hobnobbing with the rich and famous; I'm completely jealous. Glad you had fun.

Annie Bananie said...

How fun!! I am just a little jealous!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Way cool! Lucky you. Was Jim Carey normal in person, or is he zany like in his movies? I would also ask the same of Robin Williams.

Jan said...

It is all so very cool. I love that picture of you behind Robin. So fun. His tatoo shirt and all.

Wendyburd1 said...

Holy Crap, you are SO lucky!! I wish I could go to Sundance!!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I love the pictures!

Rhonda said...

How cool are YOU??? How exciting and fun! Congrats!

Celine said...

How cool!!!!
I loove Jim Carrey! He looks great with glasses!

Stephanie said... cool is that? Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I completely know what it's like to be surrounded by boys...until Allie came along I was in the same boat..even our dog is a boy :)

chelle said...

Did they ask you for your autograph? You are a famous blogger after all. :0) m

Jodi said...

Wow ! That is amazing you actually got to meet so many! And such big names too. I heard it was hard to even get near them. Way to go!

HEY....stop by my blog and VOTE on my PURPLE-ISCIOUS contest! I threw a little wrench in it.

TELL your READERS to come by and vote too. You can entice them to come and vote for your stuff!!!

peewee said...

I swear I know you from somewhere...probably SLC. You look SO familiar! Are u secretly a star?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and the sweet comment! How cool to visit Sundance and meet all the stars I would love to be able to do this!!

Emily said...

Thanks for coming to my blog! These pictures are awesome! I wanted to go up there for a concert by it didn't happen. :( Maybe next year.

Cammie said...

that is SO cool!!

Bobie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be checking our your's from now on.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Haha, that is so freakin' awesome!!! Wow, what fun pictures!!!

Sue said...

Thanx for sharin your celebrity status.(were you trying to stay calm?)

Cute pictures. I'm glad they took the time to have their photos taken.I luv nice celebrities♥

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!I have never seen a famous person in person or got a picture with one! Thanks for stopping by!!

forever folding laundry said...

What fun! I'll bet you had to force your husband to stand next to Christie Brinkley to get a picture, right? He looks like he's being tortured. =)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Heatherlyn said...


Kristie R said...

you met some neat people

thanks for stopping by my place

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

That is so cool. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. You have an awesome blog.

It is very nice to find you!!

Counselormama said...

Thanks for stopping by! Love your pics, I've always wanted to go!

Counselormama said...

Not sure what happened to my comment. Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by! Cool pics!

Stephanie said...

Such fun! I'm so totally jealous! Lucky you!!

Mary Teresa said...

How cool is that! So glad you got that awesome opportunity!

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. =D

-Melissa- said...

that is awesome! looks like you had a fun time.





lmt1073 said...

oh wow! too cool.. thanks for stopping by and feel free to come visit again!

Debra Kaye said...

Thanks for stopping by today! I used to dispatch for Fedex and had the Hollywood Hills area/Lax/and Bev Hills. Had lots of Stars there and lots of these moments too...

Glad you had a fun time!

Blessings to you!

Lori said...

Thanks for stopping by! It's really nice to meet you!

How cool was that??? It looks like you had a great time.

Kristen said...

That is so fun! I have never been to the festival but I would love to have my picture taken with Robin Williams!

Anonymous said...


Staci Loalbo said...

Im dying laughing, you are sooo cute in the background of all those pictures.....peekin around jim carey HI MOM!! lol sooo funny, how awesome that you got to attend sundance!!! Thanks for stoppin by!! Ill be back fo sho!!

Shasta said...

Wow! How fun and exciting! Thanks for the comment on my blog!

Unknown said...

Hi thanks for stopping by! That is sooo cool that you got to meet all those celebs.
I'm gonna take a look around your blog... feel free to stop back anytime... my door is always open :)

Anonymous said...

Cool girl! I'm so excited for you! I bet that was fun! Love your blog too! Thanks for visiting and keep on visiting!

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping in. Wow, your blog looks great. I'll have to go and take a longer look.

mCat said...

So fun!! I have to admit though, Jim Carrey looks not so good! Were they nice?

Our Loved-up Family said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog - and leaving a comment too:), you're awesome!!

Sarah @

Tiffany said...

Hi there! Thanks for coming by my little nest. I was surprised to come to your blog and see so many celebrities. How fun!

Unknown said...

Clearly you are very, very famous. I mean, look at how many celebrities wanted to have their pictures taken with you!

And I am in awe of how many pix you have on your blog. As you may have discovered on your little field trip to mine (thanks for stopping by!) I'm an essayist, and significantly 'insert photo here' challenged.

I'll be back!

wendy said...

Oh My Gosh ---you got to meet all those Stars!!!!! That would be totally cool. I don't know if I could act normal around them...Oh wait, I don't act normal around anyone. My daughter and her husband were in a celebrity poker match when the Sundance Festival was here just this year. They met ...ok, never mind, I can't even remember the names now, one guy who is in ER (the one who played Dr. Pratt) and the black guy in Ruwanda and Oceans 13. This is totally lame that I can't remember the names.
Yes, if you are at the lunch on saturday it will be sooooo fun to meet everyone!!!!!!

Dorothy said...

Hi and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. You have a lot going on here! So Many many comments!

angela michelle said...

You are now famous by association! Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me the chance to visit you!

Natalie said...

Thanks for dropping by! Your blog is lovely :) How exciting for you to be up at Sundance! I wish we would have gone to the film festival when we lived in Provo.

~BridgetL~ said...

You are so lucky. I think it would be a blast to go to Sundance. Thanks for coming by and checking out my blog

Unknown said...

wow that is great! all my life i lived in utah (until the last 4 months) and i never went to the film festival..sniff sniff..i am jello...
thanks for stopping by my blog!

Mallory said...

Thanks for stopping over on my blog!

This is sounds like so much fun! I would be such a star struck dummy if I went to one of those! I would probably embarrass myself! :D

kel said...

I am so jealous!! That looks like such fun!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!

Wow, what fun you must have had. Sundance is a great place (but I've never been there during the Film Festival.) What a fabulous memory to have!

Vee said...

That is cool you did that. It's still a weird thought to me that big names like that come here. I remember the time when there was no such thing as the Sundance Festival. Thanks for checking out my blog. You made my day!

Rachel Sue said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. That is so awesome! Were they nice?

Kimi said...

Great pictures. What an exciting time to be in Park City! Thanks for stopping by my blog. If you are entering my "first five" giveaway don't forget to repost the game on your blog :) Have a great day.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

OMGOSH!!!!!!!!! This post is sooo cool!

At first I wondered if you are a photoshop specialist, but it appears these are all genuine. Awesome

Saw you at Daisy's and migrated over. Hello from SpeedyCat in Minnesota :-)

Sarah J. said...

I love park city! How fun is that! Thanks for stopping by...your blog is so fun, I love Tigger!

Wendy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Meeting Robin Williams must have been so cool. I've heard he's shy when he's just being himself. Was he?

The Karafa Family said...

Thanks for the comment! Looks like a lot of fun!

Rhonda Christensen said...

That is so awesome that you get to schmooz with the stars!!

Leah said...

Thank you for visiting my blog today, come on over anytime.
You have some great pics, was Robin Williams funny?

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Now that is awesome!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. :)

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Hi Shauna!

Just thought I'd pop over to your bloggy home to say a big THANKS for stopping by my blog!

Love the pics of you and the celebs!


Unknown said...

Look at you rubbin' elbows with all those famous people! That is awesome! Was Robin Williams funny around you? I think it would be so cool to meet him!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! : )

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Way to cool!!

Jenny said...

Well, I'm glad you somehow stumbled across my blog. But I have to say, I'm thoroughly impressed with how many comments you receive. I'm number 95! Wow! You must have a pretty cult following:) I loved looking around. Oh how I one day hope to make it to the Sundance Festival...but now that we don't live in UT anymore, I'm afraid my chances are much slimmer. But, I can continue to live vicariously through others, so thanks for your pictures!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your well-wishes on my blog.

Looks like you had a great time at Sundance.

Christina Lee said...

very cool!!! its cute how you are sometimes standing behind them taking a picture-something I would do! thanks for stopping by!!!!

Kim said...

How exciting!!!! I have never met anyone famous.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment!

sara said...

oh my word, how fun is that!?!

thanks for visiting my blog today! taking a picture a day has been very fun!

Halfmoon Girl said...

Thanks for visiting. That looks like a lot of fun!

Tanya said...

How cool, that must have been so much fun. Thanks for stopping by I'm glad you like my blog. I'm following you.

Jo said...

Wow! Now I wanna go. I LOVE Robin Williams! And that Brinkely gal looks beautiful and even sweet in real life. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am enjoying yours too!

RosyRose said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my blog! You must be somewhat famous yourself with 101 comments:)
your welcome back anytime:)!!

Llama Wanderings said...

How exciting! Thanks for checking out my blog! :D

Jessie said...

Hi!! I love the Sundance Film Festival!! I usually never run into this many famous people though!! How fun and exciting!!

Kristen Andrews said...

how fun is that! You are so luck, I would have been star struck!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

What a crazy exciting time for you! That is fantastic! What great memories for you guys! Simply awesome!

Jenni said...

That is SO COOL! Wow!

Jessica G. said...

That is sooooo cool!
(Which star was the nicest? Which was the rudest?)

Sherri said...

Thanks for stopping by! COOL photos! Bet it was TONS of fun. Hope you drop by again.

Sera said...

Holy toledo, woman! Would you LOOK at all those celebrities?!?!? How cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

Rachel said...

Awesome!! I would LOVE to meet Robin Williams!!

in time out said...

this was fun to see again. you are a beautiful woman. happy day to you and prayers ♥

HaYn Mama said...

WOW, Shauna... how fun! The best shots have to be the Jim Carrey ones... just too busy to pose huh!

I have a challenge for ya on my personal blog...


HaYn Mama said...

How fun for you guys!

We've lived in Utah for a while now and never went to Sundance how sad for us... looks like we're missing out!

I have a challenge for ya. Go check it out at my personal blog...

Rochelle said...

Hi Shauna! I'm still pretty new to this whole blogging thing, but welcome to my corner of the blogosphere! Happy reading! :)

Mckay K said...

Wow that was fantastic. I would love to have been there. I am glad you had so much fun.

You make me smile and I say so in my latest blog post.

Tanya said...

Sounds like a fun time! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. It's nice to meet you!

whoopsadasie said...


Amanda said...

How exciting!! I have never seen a star in person - ever. LOL

Thanks for coming by Moving Forward! :-)

Jennifer said...

How fun & awesome!! =)

Jaden Paige said...

How jealous am I?!?! Seriously. That is SOOO awesome! Sundance festival... I would just die if I got to go!!

Anywhoozle, I owe you an apology... you commented on my poetry blog MONTHS ago, but since I didn't have comment moderation on and haven't posted there since before that, I didn't even know until this morning!! So I am sincerely sorry for taking so long to get back to you- I swear I am not usually this bloggy-rude! lol

Unknown said...

I was there i think once for that. No pics it happened quite by chance. Col pic though I love robin Williams.

April said...

Wow....I'm impressed! Jim Carey is lookin' HOT!

Anonymous said...

glad you found my blog! Your's is so fun! I love the Sundance photos- gotta love the stars,,,

Amanda said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Sundance looks like tons of fun. I've always wanted to go, but alas, it's just too far away. Looks like a blast though.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Shauna, So nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by. I so enjoyed my visit to your blog.
Looks like a fun time at the movie festival and meeting so many celebs.

Hope to see you again soon.
Have a greawt day.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Debbie said...

How exciting is that? Who was your favorite?

Mikelene said...

Thanks for stopping by! Looks like you had a blast at Sundance!!

Tammy said...

Wow you sure look like your having fun. I'd love to go hang with the stars.

Kate said...

Lucky You. Sounds like tons of fun. I just love Park City.

Elizabeth said...

So fun! I've always wanted to visit Park City since the rest of my family visited there a few years ago. Looks amazing!

Kathy said...

Wow!! Is this for real?! No Photoshop or anything?! How fun!

Thanks for stopping by to visit. Too bad you stopped by for the pig-boy post. Not my best work. What can I say? I have a twisted sense of humor, and who was I to know that so many don't appreciate the inappropriate lyrics from Salt 'n Pepa's version (tee, hee).

veronica said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I've been a longtime follower here, but I just realized that I was following annonymously. Well, not any more!
Have a great day!

Nana said...

How fun. I must say you two are cuter than any of those fancy shmansy movie stars!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

So glad you guys had fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog! =)

Unknown said...

I love celebrities! You are so lucky!

Is it just me or does Jim Carrey look way cuter than I thought?

I am LoW said...

I'm SO jealous!!!!

Rebecca Talley said...

How fun for you! Very cool!!

Doran & Jody said...

Oh man! How fun is that!?

Mia said...

i am so stinkin jealous! but I'm glad you had fun! thanks for sharing the pics!


hi! thanks for stopping by my blog! i'm a follower now, hope you will do the same! stop by friday for a giveway

Rebekah said...

Cool Pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog

Donna said...

Wow, that is SO COOL!

jlc said...

WOW WOW WOW! I am SUPER jealous. Great great pics!!