First, I want you all to know I l♥ve you lots! Now...Let's talk about L♥ve! When you feel l♥ved, you are much more likely to be happier and healthier! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have perfect l♥ve for each of us individually! They l♥ved us before we came to this earth; They continue to l♥ve us now; and Their great l♥ve for us will never change! What a blessing to know of that eternal l♥ve! Making the time to show l♥ve to those around us will bring blessings! Thank You to all of you for showing me your l♥ve!
Hope you have a beautiful day! Lots of L♥ve and Hugs for you all!
Thank you so much for those comforting words about love! You are a great example of showing love and sharing your love with people :)
AMEN!!!! CHEERS! Michele
So true dear Shauna. I have been praying for love towards your way all week long.
Thanks for the lovely words.
Thanks! You are always so sweet to say such nice, positive things.
It's not hard to love someone back who already has so much love flowing. (you♥) It's the prickly people that don't let us get too close that we have to try harder with. I am grateful for you and the love you show and share with me. Thank you. I feel privileged being able to call you my friend.
You are definately ♥'d.
Love IS the key to every happy thing you do in life and it's amazing how the blessings flow afterwards !
Aww. What a LOVELY post! Thank you! :)
Thank you for a message filled with love. I needed it!
Sweet, sweet post.
I hope you feel that we love you too Sweet Shauna!! Hope you have a lovely day, and a great Valentines Day!!
I am realizing today that while I may be 'justified' I am NOT being very loving to the support system I have here in my home. LOVE your post!
You are such a sweet friend. I love you too! Enjoy your "lovey weekend"!
Happy Valentine's Day, Shauna :)
Wonderful! I hope you have lots of ♥ coming your way ... thanks for sharing so much with us!!!
The same to you my dear friend! I hope you felt love on your date last night! Love you.
wooohoooo! Amen!
Love is the key and we love you too. Thanks for your sweet post.
Really sweet post. I love your hearts!! I stopped by through BSU.
Love your post! Love your blog!
I LOVE your encouraging words about LOVE!
Great love words for us all to live by
Very sweet! You are so right!
What a sweet post! We do need to spread the love.
Love and hugs right back!! Thanks for all the love. You are such and inspiration thanks for everything.
You are such a lovely person! Thanks for sharing your love...I hope you feel mine as well!!
You have such an amazing attitude. I love coming here each time to read your insightful and lovely thoughts.
Amen and love back at ya!
Amen, Sista! Great post!!
Thank you for spreading the ♥ around!!!
Love is the most powerful emotion on the face of the earth and in heaven. You have the gift of love. I hope you feel mine for you. m
You're one l♥vely lady!
Have a fantastic Val's day ☺
You are the sweetest and a true friend. (((HUGS)))
I love Love.
I love Love.
Hi to one Tigger Fanatic to another ha! That was so sweet!!! And we LOVE you!!!! Great post. I miss ya! Tell Jeni that we need to get together and have lunch soon. Hugs!
What a sweet post. I love reading your posts. Have a great weekend and a Happy Valentines Day! Hugs ♥
What a sweet post, happy V-day to you and yours!
You defintely have a way with words. Thanks for the lift!
Love the post. Happy Valentine's Day.
Thanks for the awesome words! :)
Happy V-day! :)
Thank you! Happy Valentine's Day!
Shauna, Thank you so much for the birthday surprise! I was so excited when I got the mail today! You are so sweet♥ ~Lori~
Shauna, thanks so much for sending me your link! I love your blog and especially this post. ;) I'm following you here now, too.
Have a Beautiful Day!
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