Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stop and smell the roses...

Today as I am trying to stay calm I'm been thinking of
some ways to help us to stop and smell the roses. Here
are a few of the many things that can help us...

Think positive~ Breathe~ Laugh~ Count our blessings~
Find balance~(a great topic for another post:) ~Smile~
Think of things on an Eternal perspective~ Be Thankful~
Do Something Sweet For Someone~(I l♥ve to do this)!

Let's make it a beautiful day and make time to stop and
smell the roses! Remember you are beautiful and l♥ved!!


susette said...

What a great thought on such a cold, wintery, back breaking from shoveling day. I'm tough though I can handle it. Have a wonderful day my friend.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Such a cute picture! This is probably one of my biggest problems. I'm constantly running from one thing to the next and even if they're fun things, I'm always thinking of the *next* thing! Thank goodness for a husband who helps yank my arm back, slows me down, and helps me enjoy it!

Cajoh said...

Hey you almost beat me to it. I am thinking about posting on equilibrium which is very similar to finding a balance. Can't wait to see your post.

tammy said...

Thanks for that!

Jill said...

Well it's a great thought but it's hot down here... so Susette send some of that cold my way okay!! PLEASE! I am frying here in Florida! Frying.. I say!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Very nice~reminds me of my New Years Eve post!
Come by and check out the birthday club calendar. Let me know what you think?

Heatherlyn said...

Just thinking about smelling roses is calming.

Anonymous said...

nice reminder

Jillene said...

What a great post!! Thanks for sharing!!

Lara Neves said...

So sad that we need these little reminders to enjoy life! Thanks for giving us one, though!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Very nice~reminds me of my New Years Eve post!

Stop by and check out the birthday club calendar and let me know what you think!

Anonymous said...

what a nice post, you are a wonderful friend!

si tu veux said...

thanks for the great ideas...and i LOVE your comments. They always make me smile...thanks ♥

Kristina P. said...

You always come up with great ideas, Shauna!

Andrea said...

LOVE the picture. Thanks for the ideas.

Liz said...

Thanks for the reminder....I need it daily if you need a job!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

Thanks for the gentle reminder! I needed it!

Ginger said...

What a darling picture. I wish I had some roses to smell...everything here is covered with snow. I was reading your comments and want to tell Jill how jealous I am of her. She said she is frying in Florida...I am freezing and wanting to move to Florida right now!!!

Pancake said...

great post! I think I would add laughing on the phone with friends, going to lunch

Nonna said...

Love it...I rushed thru 2008 without taking the time to smell the roses...2009 is the year to enjoy those blossoms and relax awhile too !

Mary Ellen said...

Having a little trouble finding the roses lately, but I'll give it a try. Thanks for the reminder!

Fink said...

What a great picture! Sometimes it is nice to be reminded that you must stop and smell the roses!

Cynthia said...

I heard an interesting rant by Dr. Laura the other day on 'balance'. She says 'balance' is a myth.

According to her, there is no balance but rather choices and priorities. We can choose to take on more than is realistically possible and then believe that somehow if we 'balance' well enough, it will magically be okay. In reality, we can't do it all- that's why we have to prioritize and choose well.

Agree or disagree but it's certainly something to consider.

La Pixie said...

aww, thats a great post. sometimes, its just so nice to see a post like that. they always come right when you need them. =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I forget especially right now when I am at work and wanting to be home. I try to remember that at least I have a job. :o)

Debbie Y. said...

Just the photo made me stop and laugh. Thanks for the laughter and the inspiration. I need to stop and smell the roses.

Kaylynn said...

Thank you. I really needed that!

Kellie said...

I love your blog. It is a great reminder for me to be calm :)

Anonymous said...

And you are awesome at doing sweet things for people!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on finding that balance! It is not an easy task. Or maybe it would be if I wasn't so selfish, lol!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

AMEN!!! And, thanks for your ♥ today on my blog. Methinks we were sharing some 'same' thoughts on life and living it right.

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

This picture was too cute and the thoughts are too nice!

Beverly B. said...

Thanks for the nice comment. I need to slow down and enjoy my life and blessings too.

nikkicrumpet said...

You do love to do sweet things...we've noticed that about you!

Mckay K said...

We are definitely in agreement. I think 2009 is the year of people slowing down and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Previously, we spent so much of our day rushing-the whole day was a blur. Imagine being told that it was the last 24 hours of your life. I think we would have spent it differently. Lets spend a whole year of living like it was the last day of our life.

Kirsten said...

thanks for visiting my blog and saying "hi!" That was a fun surprise. I enjoyed reading your blog as well, and I was especially excited to learn how to make those little hearts! ♥ The first time I tried it I accidentally did alt+4 it makes a ♦. Thanks for the tip!

Carla said...

Amen!!! Great post Shauna!

Forgetfulone said...

What a beautiful post. Glad you found my journal. I have a "regular" blog, too. Forgetfulone
I'd love for you to come see me.

Andrea said...

Thanks for the great ideas (and reminder to slow down)!!!

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Hi Shauna, I always see you in my blog. Thanks, for being so faithful and coming to my blog. I haven't been a real faithful blog friend lately. I've been so busy with my newborn and my 4 year old I don't know if I'm comin or goin. And I just saw that you had something for me to pick up before noon on Monday. Sorry. I didn't get the message until just now. But I know one thing is for sure. I seriously needed to read your blog. I feel much better now. I was really upset about something just before I came into your blog and I feel much better now. (((HUGS)))

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

BTW...I left you a gift on my blog. Come check it out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks comeing my blog.
do you have your profile ?

Dallas Meow said...

Thanks for stopping by -
I Love it here! Look forward to visiting often :)

Barb Davis said...

I just found you're wonderful blog. Please visit me at The Serenity Gate. Hope you will become a Follower of mine. Blessings.

Mia said...

what a great way to start my day! You are beautiful too!

Kara said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! And thanks for the great thoughts!!

Carina said...

Great picture! Today is a crazy busy day for me, so I needed to hear that. Thanks!

Dianna said...

A lovely thought for a cold day. Thanks for visiting.

aftergrace said...

You are so right! I like to think of blessings as God's little love notes to us.
Love your blog!

Penny said...

So true, so true. =)

Kerri said...

Perfect thought to go with my blog posting from yesterday!! Perhaps I should give my puppies some carnations and see what they do with them! Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Dee said...

Thanks for visiting and leaving me a comment. Come back anytime. I enjoyed your blog as well. I'll be back soon.

Us said...

Love the thoughts and love the picture! Thanks! xo

Ivanhoe said...

Your blog is so inspirational! I'll be smelling some roses today :o)
Thank you for stopping by my place and commenting.

Ashlee said...

I chose to use laughter quite often. Otherwise, I am pretty sure my head would explode!

Thanks for swingig by my blog! Hope to see you again soon!

Anonymous said...

We all need to smell the roses more! Love your blog.

k1 said...

You are such a bouncy, energetic spirit. Tigger was the perfect avatar for you!

Love the photo.

Terri Tiffany said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today! I'll be back here too to read some of your posts! Love your designs!

ASHLEY said...


debi9kids said...

What beautiful thoughts! Thanks you for reminding me to stop and smell the roses :)

ps thank you for stopping by my Through Him blog. We have only just started that blog and are hoping it will help to inspire faith :)

debi9kids said...

ps Just realized you stopped by my main blog as well. Thanks for the compliments :)

Emma F said...

Very cute. :o)

Claire said...

thanks shauna - i'm back from my blog sabbatical... thank you for uplifting me today!

Linda Hoye said...

Wonderful perspective - and ideas for staying calm. P.S. thank you for visiting my blog!

Shimmy Mom said...

Wonderful advice. Thanks!!

Hippomanic Jen said...

Thanks for visiting my site, and I'm glad you enjoyed your stay!

I really enjoyed the images by David Bowman. He does lovely work, and you can tell that he really loves Christ.

Jenny said...

i need to do that way more often

Lilibeth said...

Just makes me smile. What a great picker-upper for me on a not so nice day.

lov said...

what a cute picture!

and thanks for stopping by!
you should do that more often! :)

Callie Ann said...

My goodness you have been busy traveling around. 68 comments.. you going for a record? Thanks for coming by my place and leaving a comment.. Have a great tomorrow, which is Thursday!

Givinya De Elba said...

Thankyou for visiting my blog! I really appreciate it :)

Renee said...

Love your photo! Thanks for stopping by "Through Him All Things Are Possible"....
I don't know how you can read all your comments!

katherine. said...

glad you surfed by today...nice to meet you and truly enjoyed your blog!

curious to know how you found me?

I have to laugh at the picture of tigger....and your quest to stay calm....smile.

Sticky said...

I had such an awful day and I came over here to read your blog after you left me such a lovely comment earlier...

and now *sigh* I feel so much better.
Your blog is so cheerful and loving and todays post was just what I needed to read...just lovely, thank you.

A Friendly Reader Only said...

Love the picture!! Thanks for the encouraging words. Giving love brings the best love!!!

Linda said...

Most definitely a great thought and the picture is adorable!

I wanted to stop by and say thank you for entering the photo contest at my blog and wish you luck. I appreciate it!

Amy Fichtner said...

Oh now that is a cute picture!! Thanks for sharing!!

Jen said...

What a great pic! You come up with some great ones. I had a missionary companion once who always seemed to find the bright side or see the beauty in the littlest things. It was a great daily reminder to me!

Holloway Family said...

Thanks Shauna, I needed to be reminded of more things to help me stay calm. ;)

Ashley said...

What a beautiful post! I need some roses to stop and smell. haha!

Thanks for visiting my blog while I was in Colombia!! I'm back now with lots of pictures and blog fodder for at least a week. Ha!

Clifford said...

Wow, 80 comments!

I love that picture!

Jill said...

Yup! today I need to try and stay calm.. So calm that I am asleep because my 2 year old is coming down with something and was awake till 5am this morning..

have a good day! I love the pic!

Anonymous said...

What a great thought, thanks for the inspiration!