Sunday, December 7, 2008

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to
you without leaving happier. ~Mother Teresa~

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be
seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
~Helen Keller~

I l♥ve this time of year!! I want you to all know how much
I l♥ve you! Here is a Hug with L♥ts of L♥ve from me to you :)


♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Oh, I ♥ your snowman and the happy snowflakes!!!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite time of year too! You are so sweet!

Nonna said...

Right back at ya ! LOL

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I do so love your post and the snowman...m..

Amy said...

What a beautiful message! Thanks.

Jan said...

Hugging you right back. So sweet. I felt it from your big heart too.

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Cute little snowman! And holiday hugs and ♥ back at ya! you sweet thing you! ♥

Jillene said...

How sweet!! I love this time of year too!!

susette said...

You are the most positive upbeat person I know. Do you ever feel down? I guess serving and loving others is what keeps us away from those down feelings. Good for you my friend. I really liked that thought of Mother Theresa's. Thanks and happy Sabbath!

Adventure girl said...

Awwwwwwwww. You're the sweetest! Back at cha;)

Jen said...

Great quotes! Loved both of them. Hope you had a great sabbath day!

Emily Christine said...

Thanks for the sweet message!

Pug1 said...

Holiday hugs to you too! CHEERS! Michele

Letti said...

I love this time of year too. Everyone seems to be just a little more nicer I love it. If only this feeling could last all year round.

-Melissa- said...

What beautiful quotes. Thanks for sharing. Hugs ♥

Tamie said...

aren't you a doll...thanks for stopping by my little patch of bloggerland....infrequent (and frequent visitors are my favorite!)
happy holidays to you!
keep being cozy and christmas-y!

Emma F said...

You are so sweet Shauna! I love this time of year too. :o) That picture is adorable.

That Janie Girl said...

Holiday hugs back at ya!

That's sweet.

Becca Watson said...

I love the snowman! Hugs ♥ to you too! I hope you had a splendid weekend!!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! This is a wonderful time of the year!

Mrs Anne said...

What a sweet post!

back at YOU sweet pea!

thanks for being a breath of fresh air!

Just SO said...

What a cute, cute snowman. Hugs are the b-e-s-t.

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

I adore your snowman...and loves to you too!♥

Wendyburd1 said...

Awwww how nice!

tiki_lady said...

oh no, oh no you missed it! I have your mail goodness posted first on my blog. I realized I didn't have your link up, so I had to search for it. I didn't want to leave your real name because I wasn't sure if you went by that. So, I had to look up your blog address! You are there and my gratitude and appreciation for your thoughtfulness is deeply felt! Thank you so much!! You are too kind! My children and I loved it. The candies just jumped right into my mouth. The picture is of an empty candy box. LOL
I love this time of year too!

Strawberry Shortcake said...

I love that you make everyone that reads your blog feel positive! Have a happy holiday season!

Tiglizzyclone said...

Thankyou for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I like that snowman picture!

Sandra said...

Same to you, but more! :)

Bo said...

Thank you for the love hugs! And here's some for you (((HUG))) Bo

Unknown said...

I'm trying. I'm going to try to have a better week!

RoeH said...

Helen Keller amazes me so much. If we could all be like her even with our hearing and eyesight. And don't ya' just love doing those glitter little things? Love playing with them.

tammy said...

You are so sweet! I ♥ you back.

Claire said...

Your wee blog is a little goldmine of uplifting sayings. THank you!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Great quotes!

Have a great Monday!!!

Barbaloot said...

What a cute snowman! Thanks for the message:)

Anonymous said...

It's the best time of year, I love living it through the boys, there's nothing better!~

Heather Bug said...

Thank you so much! You're blog is so cute!!! Have a fabulous day!

Pancake said...

Great quotes!!! Have a great day!

Kathy P said...

love the quotes!

Anonymous said...

you are so sweet, you always make my day!

Debbie Y. said...

I love snowmen. Thanks for the warm wishes. Right back at ya!

Kristen said...

Thank you and I am sending you a hug back!!!

Da Bergs said...

You are so sweet... to EVERYONE! What an example you are! I mean, seriously, look at allllllllllll your comments!!!

Sue said...

Back at ya!!

thnx for the hugs and ♥

this is the best time of the year.

Its fun to add bloggin buddies this year to people I luv and care about!

TJ said...

beautiful quotes, and wonderful things to remember!

Hesses Madhouse said...

Merry Christmas to you!!!

Picket said...

MIne too!!!! Right back at you sweetie! ♥

Anonymous said...

I love the happy snowman and your sentiments are wonderful! I wish you the happiest season ever!

Donna said...

I really like your blog. You put the sweetest things on here that always help me to feel good. Thank you!

Andrea said...

Awww, thanks!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Just checking in again to see how you are doing...

in time out said...

beautiful and so sparkly. you definitely have the glitz. love and hugs. happy blogging ♥

Heather said...

You too!! What an adorable snowman!

nikkicrumpet said...

It is a great time of year if we can just slow down and enjoy it. Love all the sparkly pretties on your blog!

La said...

Good stuff my friend! :)

What an inspiration those wonderful ladies are to us all now.

Michelle said...

Cute graphic, I LOVE snowmen!

Beth at Aunties said...

I have Loved both of these quotes!
You find the cutes pictures and these are no exeption. Thanks for a feel good palce to come and visit!

Tara Bennett said...

Yay for the season of love! Great quotes btw.

Mary Ellen said...

I was just saying how much I love snowmen! Great post.

Deann said...

Oh, I love the quotes! TFS!

Jacqueline said...

So very sweet you are! Thanks so much for the wonderful email and for spreading the love! My 4 year old daughter lovs your sparkly snowman picture on your blog! You are an awesome blogging friend!

Shimmy Mom said...

That is the cutest snowman ever!! Thank you and I love you too!

Bren's Life said...

I love your pictures. Where do you find them? Did I ever sendyou my email? brenwhizatcoxdotnet.. I can't rememeber...

Amander said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. Just checked yours out - it's great!

These quotes are just lovely. Such a great season.

Pancake said...


OMG!! I got the SWEETEST package in the mail from you tonight!!! Thank you!! That was so very nice of you!!

Pancake said...

And can I just add, THAT IS MY MOST FAV CHOC EVER!!!!!!!! You are awesome! THANK YOU

Grammy Staffy said...

You have an absolutely darling blog spot....but then I am sure that you know that since you have so many that read and enjoy your post.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

Have a good week...Merry Christmas

Unknown said...

Right back at ya!

Anonymous said...

cute snowman

Amateur Steph said...

What an awesome snowman button. Did you make it? That is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Christmas will always be my favorite holiday. I have so many good memories from childhood. I just love it.

Redhoodoos said...

Thank you thank you thank you!! You are the best.

Ashley said...

Thank you SO much for the chocolate and cute gift you sent me in the mail! I feel so loved! :) I love to make new friends and you are a wonderful one! How did you know that Dove milk chocolate is my absolute favorite?? It really is! And I also adore Stephen's Gourmet hot chocolate. I'm excited to try that peppermint kind! You are so sweet!!!!

leanne c said...

Love the picture of your snowman

Kate said...

Wow!! It is amazing to see how many bloggers comment on your blog. You are amazing and very talented.

April said... have some serious followers...76 comments! Thanks for the sweet message today!

Daphine said...

Very cute! I love the quotes! Thanks for sharing them!

Anonymous said...

This is soo cute!!!!

You are a great blogging buddy!!!

Happy snowflakes to you!