Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thank You Tanja...

I just got the sweetest e-mail! Thanks Tanja!! It said:This little blog bling is for you and for all the sweet things you say and do for people!! You're the best!! Love, Tanja


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

That's so cute! Your blog is dang fun! Thanks for the congrats, I don't have much luck for givaways so this is exciting! :)

Emma F said...

Wow- That's SO cute! :o) Thanks so much for your great blog, Shauna!

Deann said...

That is so cute!! Love it!

Sandra said...

Very sweet :)

Erin said...

That is really cute. Little things like that always bring us cheer, don't they?

Anonymous said...

You deserve it!!

Barbaloot said...

Perfect for you and your blog:)

Anonymous said...

You deserve this plus much much more! You truly are a light of sunshine Shauna! Thank You for all you do!

Mrs Anne said...

HOw sweet!

I enjoy your blog and it's true you DO bring joy to everyone!

Beth at Aunties said...

Your blog is heart warming and cute. I am so glad people are showing yo the L♥ve you give us!

I posted pictures of where our kiddo's are on their honeymoon under the toffee recipe and I AM THE ONE TRYING TO STAY CALM:D LOL

Hugs to you,

Anonymous said...

very cute!!!!!

Becca Watson said...

Very cute! I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping at my blog. I'm enjoying your's also! :-)

The Blonde Duck said...

I love your picture is Tigger! I just watched the Winnie the Pooh Christmas show last night!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

That's adorable, you def. deserve it! :o)

Jen said...

How wonderful! You are making friends you never dreamed of making! Sisterhood is awesome! You totally deserve the award. Thanks for being my friend.

Emilee said...

That is darling! You really are a very sweet lady.

Jan said...

Tanja is so sweet. You are right up there too :)


Tanja is sweet isn't she?
you totally deserve that blog bling!

Kristina P. said...

That card is so sweet!!

susette said...

That's so cute and creative. I just wish I knew how to do that way cool stuff on here. sigh, maybe someday :) said...

Congrats on the award. You've got a wonderful way with words!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!

Unknown said...

How sweet! You are the uplifter you know!

Bren's Life said...

You seriously are the Blog queen of the world. How do you do it?

Kate said...

That is awesome. Some people are so talented. You definitely deserved that email, your blog is so inviting and uplifting all of the time.

Danyelle Ferguson said...

What a cute award! I love it!