Friday, December 12, 2008

Thank You CJ The Purple Diva....

How exciting to get something in the mail other than junk and bills! My sweet friend CJ The Purple Diva sent me a wonderful Christmas CD! I l♥ve it! Thank you so-ooo very much!


Becca Watson said...

Oooh presents in the mail! How fun!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! You deserve it! I hope you get lots more in the mail and feel the l♥ve that you spread to all! You really are a true Angel Shauna! Thank YOU for all YOU do! Oh and I l♥ve your blog!

Claire said...

Man!! I just typed a comment and then closed the box instead of sending it!!!

It's nice to get gifts through the mail;) Thank you!

Kaci said...


Kat said...

Oooooo! Fun mail! I love it!


isn't CJ the SWEETEST person EVER!?!?!?!?!? congrats on your awesome CD! it looks like a great one!!! :)

LyndiLou said...

Ohhh... REAL mail is AWESOME!!! :) I hope you love your cd and have a GREAT Christmas!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Oh you are too sweet! An entire post devoted to me! What ever shall I do with you? ♥
thanks for the sweet words....and I just l♥ve you too!

susette said...

A new CD? Fun, fun. Who is the artist?

Andrea said...


One More Equals Four said...

We received a package from Purple Diva today as well, isn't she the sweetest thing ever!

Lisa said...

Your blog is cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks for reading! I love your blog, joy, enthusiasm and spirit. You are lovely!

Sandi said...

Thanks for saying hi, I must confess I have been here before but only lurked, Since you said Hi, I thought I had better return the Hello!

Nice to meet you blog friend!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

That is so neat!!!!!

♥ and Hugs!!!

That Janie Girl said...

Love Casting Crowns...

Anonymous said...

Awesome gift! Casting Crowns is amazing!

Mrs. L said...

Oh what a fun surprise!

Daphine said...

Very sweet!

Snarky Belle said...

I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a comment. Enjoy your new cd! :)

Tonya said...

thank you for the comment! How do you make that heart shape?

Danyelle Ferguson said...

What a fun gift! I love Christmas music!!! And perfect timing to enjoy some new uplifting music for the holidays.

Jan said...

I love casting crowns. She is so awesome.

Lemme said...

thanks for visiting...I like your blog too!! feel free to stop by anytime!!

Lori said...

hey Shauna! Thanks so much for the good mail! I recieved your goodies today! how sweetof you! Thanks so much!

Jen said...

How sweet is that! What an awesome lady CJ is. You are one lucky girl. Truly blessed with many lovely ladies in your life.

Goob said...

wow! Nice!

tiki_lady said...

LOVE it! and I love the cd too!

Krissy said...

Ooooh ... another CD I need to add to my collection! lol I really like Casting Crowns, they're great.

Jane In The Jungle said...

A little FYI, my oldest son is singing on that CD!! The song "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day" has backgound vocals by the Chattanooga Boys Choir which he is a memeber of. You can see their name in the credits but much to his dimay, they spelled his name wrong!! Not a happy camper at this point but the song is beautiful and I can't help but tear up when I hear it!! thanks for stopping by the jungle for a visit! I've enjoyed looking around yours!