Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm setting some goals for 2009 and simplifying is one of them.
I just read this quote today from Sister Hinckley and l♥ve it...

"The grand and the simple. They are equally wonderful. We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are.” ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley~


Jan said...

That is always a great word to live by. And Majorie was always so wise.

Pam said...

I would add to that that we as women can do so much more when we simplify our lives. This goal is so worth achieving.

Cajoh said...

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest things to accomplish.

Good luck with your goals.

Unknown said...

Yes! Yes! I totally agree. Thanks for stopping by today. :)

Lara Neves said...

Wonderful quote. That was my word for 2008, and I hope I at least achieved it a little. :)

tammy said...

Love this.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Words I live by.

Love You,

Amateur Steph said...

Where do you get your graphics? They are so cute!
What a great motto.

Jenny said...

What a great thought to start the new year!

Thanks for the kind comment on my recipe blog. :)

Heatherlyn said...

yes! It must be the spirit prompting us all to start feeling that exact same thing, which is that simple IS desireable. Hopefully this will make for a really good 2009. (Although, simple can often be illusive. I truly admire people who actually CAN do simple. There is an art to it.)

Nonna said...

Simplicity is one of the keys to happiness in this life and I'm doing the same thing in 2009...decluttering and streamlining everything in the house...Yikes...better get will probably take me all of 2009 to reach that goal !

Mia said...

i really needed to read that- thanks!♥

Corrine said...

what wonderful words to live by...though seem to be hard to apply sometimes...well lots of the time for me. :)

Valerie said...

What a great quote and reminder to all of us women! I copied it to my file. Thanks for stopping by my little blog. You have quite the following on your cute, busy blog! It was nice to stop by and visit a while. ♥

Shauna said...

My Grandma used to always say... Simplify Simplify Simplify :)

Anonymous said...

Love it - A very good New Year's resolution! Thanks for stopping by my site. Hope you will keep in touch.

Staci A said...

What a wonderful quote! Simplifying sometimes seems like one of the hardest things to do.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Kristina P. said...

Love that quote! I need to simplify my life too.

Unknown said...

That is a great word! Simplifying always makes life a little easier, thanks for stopping by my blog today and I am so glad it brought me to yours! I will be adding you to my reader :)

Anne-Marie said...

Yes. Simplify. Definitely a goal for me.

Jen said...

I loved Sister Hinckley. She had so many words of wisdom and this is one of them. I am simplifying too and getting some storage boxes to simplify the stashes of stash around my home!

tiki_lady said...

i love this. this is my motto for 2009! You are the best!!! I am so glad I found ya or you found me. I'm really not quite sure.

Anonymous said...

Very good quote! I agree completely!

Carla said...

Yes! What a wise women! Her wisdom is well worth remembering:)

susette said...

I had a word for 2008-It was "Embrace" I guess I should think about a new one for 2009. Thanks for the reminder my friend.

cornnut32 said...

what a cute blog you have! thanks for stopping by mine.

i love this quote. it's a great reminder. :)

TJ said...

Wonderful thoughts as we go into the new year! My goals are really on my health, and so much of that would be simpler for my life.

Roz said...

Great pics....thanks for stopping by my blog..

Anonymous said...

That sure sums everything up and would be a great word of the year!

LyndiLou said...

Thanks for the great reminder!!! :) I love Sister Hinckley... she's just sooo darn sweet!!! Thanks for this... I appreciate it!

Alice said...


-Melissa- said...

what a great quote and great reminder.

Wishing you a Happy New Year! Hugs

Andrea said...

Wise words! Great word for the year! I think I have finally settled on my word for next year.

Femin Susan said...

Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting.... Wishing you " A Happy New Year''

Ashley said...

Wow, the art is SO beautiful! I love it! My favorite is 'Security.'

Beth at Aunties said...

I love this quote of hers. I just love this lady and the legacy of wisdom she ahs left behind.

Thanks for posting it:)