Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gospel Tree...

Gospel Tree
There once was a shining Christmas tree
Standing out where all could see.
Its brilliance captured every eye
And seemed to cheer each passer-by.

"The lights are so bright", they would say
And hesitate to walk away.
The tree stood proud ablaze with light
For every light was burning bright.

Then one bulb was heard to say
"I'm tired of burning night and day;
I think I'll just go out and rest
For I'm too tired to do my best;
Besides, I am so very small
I doubt if I'd be missed at all."

Then a child lovingly touched the light

"Look Mother, this one shines so very bright.
I think of all the lights upon the tree
This one looks the best to me."

"Oh my goodness," said the light
"I almost dimmed right out of sight.
I thought perhaps no one would care
If I failed to shine my share."
With that a glorious brilliance came
For every light had felt-the same.

Our Gospel, like this Christmas tree
With little lights which are you and me

We each have a space that we must fill
With love, and lessons and good will.
Let's keep our tree ablaze with light
With testimonies burning bright.

For our Gospel is a living tree
That lights the way to eternity.


Stacey said...

Hi, how's this for delayed reaction? Thank you for coming to my digi blog (NiCoAl Goes DigiScrapping) ....and I'll have to say the same for you, I look around and see a great, cheerful, happy blog! ~Stacey

Lorie said...

Beautiful poem!

Jen said...

That's beautiful and what a wonderful reminder to keep our lights so bright...we are noticed and are examples to all around. Thanks for sharing.

One More Equals Four said...

How very sweet! I think it is so eay to fall into that thinking that we aren't important and what we do doesn't really matter, what a perfect reminder to just let our light shine! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good poem. I really liked the last 2 sentences. so true.

rebecca said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. It's fun to meet a new blogger:) Your blog brightened my day...I esp. loved reading the Mother Teresa & Helen Keller quotes a few posts down. Those are among my favorites. Merry Christmas & come visit my blog anytime!

shayla said...

love the poem---an thanks for your comment on my blog--it's nice when people aren't too shy to introduce themselves! It looks like you may have found me through my SIL...since that's her comment right above mine!

The Page Family said...

I love how you just pop up on my comments!! Your blog is great! My sister now even has to get on and check yours out!!

Michelle said...

So very nice of you to stop by and visit. What a nice sentiment for this time of year! Thanks for reaching out!

Aubrey said...

Great post today (& everyday LOL)!
What a nice poem. Thanks for sharing!

trublubyu said...

this is such a great poem. perfect reminder.

Claire said...

Shauna - I don't know how you're able to find all these little poems. So cute.

Rebecca Irvine said...

Thanks for posting this--it is beautiful.

Strawberry Shortcake said...

This is beautiful, thank you :)

Kaci said...


Sandra said...

Beautiful! I think these ladies sit and wait at the computer for you to post. You must be very loved. Hope that you feel that too! :)

Just SO said...

That is a wonderful poem. Something I needed to hear today. Thank you.

rachel said...

You are amazing with all that you do! What a great poem :)

Jillene said...

What a GREAT poem!! You and I posted almost the same kind of thing today--great minds think alike!!

Erin said...

That is a sweet poem!

Anonymous said...

I have that in our story a day til Christmas. Very nice poem.

thanks :)

Skeeter said...

love it!

tammy said...

Love this!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Wow, that's awesome! I love the tree and the poem! thanks for sharing!

-Melissa- said...

What a great poem! You always have such wonderful poems. I love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful and touching. Reminds me what the season is really all about! As always, visiting your blog is such a joy!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Thank you so much for LIGHTING up blogsville!!!!! ♥♥♥

Rhonda said...

So beautiful.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

This is a great poem. I love the message!

Kate said...

I loved that poem. It is so important to remember that we are always being watched and are a light to the world. Beautiful tree.

Cece Girl said...

Thanks for the your blog too!

Cece Girl said...

Thanks for the your blog too!

Us said...

Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing! xo

Jan said...

You always uplift. That is one of your purposes in this life. Thanks.

Nancy Face said...

That's beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing it! :)

susette said...

Such a cute and sparkly tree, I like it. The poem is sweet, I feel just like the little light that wants to be dim, especially when testimony meeting rolls around every month. It's very rare I get up and share. However, as I was enjoying everybody elses testimonies last week I had that little prick in my heart and then I started getting butterflies in my tummy and I thought "WhY?" Then it hit me that this would be the last testimony meeting before my son heads into the mission field and I, his own mother needed to publicly express my feelings about the gospel and the love of our Savior and Heavenly Father. If I was afraid then how can I expect my son who will be serving two years to share his testimony with Australia? I no longer got to be that little dim light in the corner of the tree, but had to be bold and bright! Thanks for letting me share, my great and wonderful blogging friend. You are awesome and a great light to all of us.

Bo said...

Thanks so much for this lovely poem! ;-) Bo

Unknown said...

THAT was perfect this morning. I had a cranky or sarcastic seminary class so I'm glad for this poem and for the weekend!

Julie said...

Great poem

Adventure girl said...

I love this! It's perfect! And gorgeous! Happy Friday!

Kat said...

Lovely poem. :)

Anonymous said...

How beautiful!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem. It really is a reminder that what ever we do, though it may seem small, touches someone in someway. Thanks, Shauna

Melanie said...

Wow.. this is great! What a reminder to us that we must never let our own lights go out for the Lord.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful poem for us to remember, we all shine like the Christmas tree lights and the picture is beautiful too!

Suburban Cowgirl said...

You won my give-away

Shimmy Mom said...

Beautiful poem. Thank you for the reminder. I think we all need it from time to time. The world seems so big that I think we sometimes forget that we are EACH important.

deola said...

You really put in a christmans mood. Nice job

michelle huey said...

I'm at work and the images are being blocked, but I'm picturing a big beautiful shiny tree. Am I right?
The poem is precious and does remind us to let our little light shine.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will come back when I get home today so I can see more.

Anonymous said...

that was wonderful! and so very true. thank you for sharing!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting! I so appreciate it!

You have a great space over here! A great following as well! Loved the poem.

Beth at Aunties said...

I love this poem and it is so true!
I want to share this with our family and Probably for VT this Christmas. I also loved the last two lines:)

Merry Christmas and thanks for all of your joy you spread♥♥♥


Susan Anderson said...

Wow, that tree is absolutely gorgeous! You have the best-looking site around, seriously.

Very cheery.


Anne-Marie said...

Perfect perspective this time of year. Thank you! Your blog is always so uplifting.

nikkicrumpet said...

I love this! I've never seen this one before. Thanks for sharing it.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

This is my first visit to your blog, and I'm loving it! So many neat things to see, and so much wisdom imparted. Thanks for stopping by my blog several days ago. I'm slow, but I finally got here. This poem is such a wonderful reminder. Thanks. laurie

Donna said...

I LOVE that! Where do you find these great things? They are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

That is just so pretty! Both the poem and the tree!

Andrea said...

I LOVE this! Thanks for sharing this little story! It's a great reminder to always try our best!

A Sharing Heart said...

A wonderful blogg and a great poem. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find you.