I remember when our boys were younger
Santa telling them about his JOY pin he
was wearing on his hat. He said....
The J is for Jesus
The O is for Others
The Y is for Yourself
He told them to find true JOY in your life...
You should think of Jesus, Others and of
Yourself to truly find Joy and happiness!
I have always remembered this and l♥ve it :)
I think he is right!
I love that!
Santa told that to your kids? What a great Santa!!
where can I find that santa? :) Great message!
Now that is one awesome Santa!
Love that! J O Y... wont think of it the same! Thanks!
That is a great message. We all need to remember this!
It works for me!
That is so sweet. I love that joy thought from the jolly one. Love it.
I LOVE THIS. Yes, i remember learning it, and teaching my kids...well trying...so thanks for the reminder. can i put it on my family blog???
That's awesome! And exactly the way to find joy!
That is beautiful and so very true! I love it! Thanks for coming by sweetie...hope you have a great weekend!♥
Oooo! I like that a lot! Wonder if they make a plaque ... Maybe I'll have to make one ...
I love that ! Awesome santa.
Santa is wise.
Love it!!! and I'm putting in lots of those hearts I can't make here ************ lol :)
What a wonderful look at JOY!
That is one smart santa!
I have a plaque with that exact saying on it!! LOVE it!!
Awesome message, thanks for sharing!
I haven't heard that one before...I like it! Thanks for sharing.
That is so true. Usually we don't hear that from Santas. Merry Christmas.
What a great thing to tell the kids!
I love this....thanks for sharing.
I like this. I've heard it before but never from Santa. Thanks for sharing!
thanks for coming by (and commenting!) hope to see you back soon.
I love this acronym for JOY. Santa is so right! Anything we can do to add Jesus and charity to others in our celebrations will bring happiness:-)
Enjoy a blessed day!
I LOVE acronymns and I have never seen that one before, thank you!
What a great message! Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
That is awesome! Thank you for sharing that. I'm passing it on to MY kids!
That's now going to be part of my FHE lesson! Thanks!
Very cute. I like it. :)
Santa is so right. This needs to be the message all year round. Thanks for the reminder.
So true..and what a wonderful reminder. What a great Santa too!
I like that and will try and remember that everytime I see the word JOY! What an awesome Santa to bring JESUS into the conversation! The real reason for the season that get's lost so easily.
I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment of support-means a lot!
you are a great example of it for sure
Wow- what a perfect message! :o)
Santa is right!
What a great blog you have. Thanks for stopping by mine and for the comment.
That is a great perspective to have on things!!! I will have to remember that! Thanks... like always... for sharing!
I love that!!!
I love it! How true!
Sweet and so true !
What a wonderful saying!
that is so great! I love your Santa!
Love it! A "JOY" ful way to begin the season! ♥
I love it! I'll have to remember that for my own kids. Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog!
Have always loved that JOY acronym -- Jesus, Others, Yourself. Amazing that Santa would say that. And sad that teachers in our schools would be fired if they did!!
Thanks for this post! As always, you're the greatest!
Great insight!
Wonderfully said!
that is so sweet!
What a great message.
Love this - we should all feel such JOY! :-)
Thanks for sharing that :)
I just love this time of year!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day :)
Oh I love it! So true.
Great Christmas message.
Santa Rocks!
Good post...m.
What a wise man! That is some truly great advice! Thanks for sharing it.
Right on the money!
What an awesome thought! I'll have to remember that. What a great way to remember the joy of Christmas. Hope your day is going wonderful! Love ya lots. Hugs.
I always have a hard time reconciling Santa and Jesus into the holiday. I like this a lot. Thanks!
That is great! I'll have to remember that.
thnx for sharin the Joy!!
All these little reminders help us focus on what matters most.
I learned a song when I was a child that said "put Jesus first and others second and put yourself at the end of the line and you will find joy in your life with J-O-Y." Even as a child, I knew it was true. I'm glad to know Santa agrees!
thanks for letting me post this pic on the family site. my family LOVES it. thanks....everything, so great ♥
What a sweet thought!
Thanks for visiting my blog and happy holidays!
:^) Anna
What a wonderful message!!! Thank you!
Whoa, that is great! I do so love that and if you don't mind will begin insituting it TODAY in my home with the kiddies!
Have a fab weekend! I'm checking out your place for the first time today and loving it already!
Thanks for visiting my blog! That was very sweet. It was been so crazy lately. I am "trying to stay calm" too! I love this message. Also, "yourself" is last. Though you need to give to yourself and take care of yourself, I know I always get more lasting joy out of giving to others than the immediate, short term joy when I give to myself.
Ooh, I like that! Thanks!
How awesome! I love that SANTA!♥
That is way cute! Thanks for sharing!! :)
I love this! Thanks for reminding me to have JOY this Christmas. Because mostly right now everything is just getting on my nerves. Thanks for the pick-me-up!
I love that story!! I found your blog from Kathleen and just love it!
That is awesome! Thanks for sharing!!!
I've never heard that until now. I love it!
What an awesome way of reminding one's self the true meaning of Christmas: JOY.
Oh, I love it! I love Santa, I think that it is such a sign of true Christ like love. I hate when people try to blame him for the commercializing Christmas. It isn't Santa it's the toy companies and parents who over indulge. I love that Santa taught your boys this wonderful lesson.
Hi and I love that saying! We should all pin that on our hearts! Thanks for coming to see me today. Your blog is adorable!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
i love that! do your boys remember? what a great thing to think about.
Hi, I just love this, have never heard it said before, and shall be passing this message onto my kiddies. joey xx
Oh that is AWESOME!!! Love it!! I'll have to remember that one!
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