HAHA!! I think I'm going to have to hang that saying above my washer and dryer! Maybe I should make my kids go naked-at least the ones that stay at home with me.
Ah, laundry! The never ending chore! HOWEVER, I am so thankful that the days of coin-op-laundromats-where-quarters-are-like-gold are gone! I am so grateful to have a washer and dryer in my house.
I can't stand laundry day. We live in an apartment complex and the washer and dryer are downstairs two levels and cost way too much. I can't wait to have my own!!
That's a pretty funny yet oh so true saying! Three loads a day when all the kids were home. Two have moved out and I still do two loads a day. When it's sheets day then it's more. But aren't we grateful that we can have clean clothes and clean bodies? Can you imagine having to hand wash clothes? I'm very appreciative of my modern-day conveniences.
haha... i actually made the girls take their clothes off an hour before bed times so I could put their cothes in the wash. THey were running around in their underwear, but it meant I got all my washing done!;)
My hubby helps me with the laundry. He puts the load in the washer and leaves it there all day. Then when I come home I have to move them. They are already wrinkled before I even put them over into the dryer.
I hate laundry. It's always THERE! Waiting to be washed; waiting to be dried; waiting to be folded; and waiting weeks to be put away....And I live alone. With a cat. IhateitItellya!
I have tons of laundry to do as well. I did get the four loads of clean laundry that's been sitting around folded and put away. And all the dirty laundry strewn throughout the house all re-located to the laundry room and sorted. But that's as far as I've gotten.
The funny thing about your post is that I did 5 loads of laundry in one day (while watching Judge Judy - please don't judge) when suddenly my husband said, "Do I have clean underwear?" I was thinking of course, I just did them!! But I stopped my scathing reply to think about it... it had actually been about 1 week ago I had done the 5-load-laundry-marathon. Doesn't that count for at LEAST 5 months?!
HA HA HA...too funny - I was just contemplating the piles upon piles of laundry I need to tackle tomorrow...really it will probably be my whole day tomorrow...ugh...
Thanks for popping by my bloggy little world...I love visitors!!
Sometimes I think about joining a nudist colony, just so I don't have to do laundry, my mortal enemy. But then I remember those awful dreams where you go to school naked, and wow, I'm just sharing way too much information with you. I'll stop now.
Wow! What a great blog! I love the graphics too (especially).
Laundry? I love the quote but thankfully I live in India! The sun is so hot it steam-dries the clothes in minutes. And there's always the guy who comes and collects the clothes for ironing (costs just a few cents in your currency). And when I'm super-lazy there's the neighbourhood 'dhobhi' (washerman) who'll wash, sun-dry and iron my clothes for a pittance. Funnily enough I enjoy ironing clothes (we all have our little quirks) --- that's when I do all my plotting and planning ;)
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leading me here. I love it when I find blogs that I really enjoy reading :)
Love this quote. All I have left at home now is husband and one daughter, but with grandkids over all the time, now I have extra clothes for them and when they change, they just leave the next set of clean clothes here. We just went to our last football game. We followed our 2 boys through jr hi, high school and college 13 years and before that was soccer....do you think it is time now to wash all the blankets in my van? Need to get them ready for Track Season....nope...never done. Carol
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Abe needs all the prayers he can get right now. Thank you!
When I was married with kids at home, I used to do 2 loads every day and iron whatever was in the wash. The only dirty clothes we ever had were what we had on our backs. Now that I am alone, I do admit, I do have dirty clothes since I only wash once a week. As I have grown older, I have become more lax with things. My hyper days are over. LOL
I've got to give that quote to my dh. He has told me several times that he has done all the laundry. I've tried to tell him that's just impossible! Love your blog. Thanks for stopping by.
It's nice to "meet" you! Thanks for popping in and saying hi on Mrs4444 cooks. Since I can see that you are an incredibly busy blog-mom, I'm grateful for your visit :)
LOL, I feel like I am drowning in laundry. Hate folding it, hate sorting it, hate putting it in the wash, hate switching it, hate pulling it out. Normally when I do The first steps... my work is ruined because I didn't fold and let them wrinkle!
Isn't that the truth. And I even have 2 washers side by side and I still can't keep up!! How's that for being pathetic!!
I JUST finished ironing 15 of my husband's work shirts. I completely relate to this post!
Copying your quote:)
Happy Laundry Day (and every Laundry Day hereafter to you and yours:)
My God Bless Your Washer and Dryer:)
HAHA!! I think I'm going to have to hang that saying above my washer and dryer! Maybe I should make my kids go naked-at least the ones that stay at home with me.
Ah, laundry! The never ending chore! HOWEVER, I am so thankful that the days of coin-op-laundromats-where-quarters-are-like-gold are gone! I am so grateful to have a washer and dryer in my house.
Love, Love, Love the quote! LOL
How true is that! I'm hopelessly behind on laundry.
I can't stand laundry day. We live in an apartment complex and the washer and dryer are downstairs two levels and cost way too much. I can't wait to have my own!!
There are only two of us and I do 9 separate loads. Ridiculous? I think so, too.
It does seem to be a neverending project.
That's a pretty funny yet oh so true saying! Three loads a day when all the kids were home. Two have moved out and I still do two loads a day. When it's sheets day then it's more. But aren't we grateful that we can have clean clothes and clean bodies? Can you imagine having to hand wash clothes? I'm very appreciative of my modern-day conveniences.
Am I strange because I like laundry??
YES!! It's my favorite chore...I don't know why.
wow that's true! And I'm doing laundry right now as we speak!
haha... i actually made the girls take their clothes off an hour before bed times so I could put their cothes in the wash. THey were running around in their underwear, but it meant I got all my washing done!;)
So funny and true!
I'm doing laundry right now.
It's a neverending task, isn't it?!?
~ Les
I have been lucky...I have a husband who washes and dries...I wrote about laundry on my blog awhile back and I love that quote !
So much truth contained in that little sentence!!!
My hubby helps me with the laundry. He puts the load in the washer and leaves it there all day. Then when I come home I have to move them. They are already wrinkled before I even put them over into the dryer.
How cute! That is so true! I have so much laundry to do before tomorrow...
So true. And I always tell my family they're not allowed to wear any more clothes when I have all the laundry done.
You couldn't have said that better. Sometimes I feel like making everybody strip down so it will be done if for just a moment.
That's what husbands are for!
I love doing laundry! the only thing I don't like doing is PUTTING it away
I hate laundry. It's always THERE! Waiting to be washed; waiting to be dried; waiting to be folded; and waiting weeks to be put away....And I live alone. With a cat. IhateitItellya!
I don't mind the washing or the drying really, it is the folding and putting away that I have serious issues with.
It seems I spend most my time doing laundry!
HA! I'm painting that on the laundry room door.
I have tons of laundry to do as well. I did get the four loads of clean laundry that's been sitting around folded and put away. And all the dirty laundry strewn throughout the house all re-located to the laundry room and sorted. But that's as far as I've gotten.
I LOVE THIS QUOTE!!! I just may do it in calligraphy over my laundry room.
Love that quote! We've been out of town for a week so I'm in bigggg trouble.
Love this! If I was there I'd come help! ♥
How true! Just when you think you're done, someone has the nerve to wear clothes and get them dirty!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I look forward to following along here... you know, after I do my laundry! LOL :) I'll be back!
First time here...
well... Sat is my Laundry day too... I hate the ironing more :(
Have a nice weekend... cheers..
So true! Speaking of laundry I need to go do some. :) Love the quote.
I have this exact plaque hanging in my laundry room! LOL
Ain't that the truth! Phooey! And do I have piles growing right now!
Thanks for stopping by my Bucket Fillers blog--I plan to add more quotes each day, so please come back. I love Tigger--he is always so happy!
Perfect post! There is no end to it, which, I suppose, is why the washing machine goes round and round!!! :-)
This sign is so cute. And laundry is truly NEVER done... which is so frustrating. The worst is the ironing!
That is so true. I love it. I am never on top of it really. It is surprising that I am not running around nekked.
After being out of town and trying to get caught up on laundry today, I completely agree with this quote! :)
awesome picture!
I will come help you sweetie!
Alas, there are no dead OR naked people at my house, which is why I must do TWO loads a day - or drown!
That's what I call putting things into perspective...
Love it! Laundry never ends,it's such a vicious cycle!
So true! I don't mind doing the laundry, just folding it and putting it away. :op
So funny! That's how I feel about it.
Thanks for your visit, My laundry day this week is tomorrow. (Monday)
Are we allowed to use the cartoon about laundry day? It is so cute. This is my first visit, and your blog is cute.
Love this quote :) Once the kids move out laundry becomes much easier!
Thanks for visiting and saying hello. It's nice to meet you!
I suck at laundry, yep, not fun, not good at it, and never keep up..
oh well...
now that we cloth diaper...
the laundry is NEVER caught up. ever.
but that's ok.
thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog today. I love your quote! So true - you should see the piles of laundry in my laundry room...or maybe not. Ugh.
Hilarious! I hate laundry! I really don't mind putting it in the washer but after that I'm done! LOL! xo Keli
Nice of you to stop by :).
The funny thing about your post is that I did 5 loads of laundry in one day (while watching Judge Judy - please don't judge) when suddenly my husband said, "Do I have clean underwear?" I was thinking of course, I just did them!! But I stopped my scathing reply to think about it... it had actually been about 1 week ago I had done the 5-load-laundry-marathon. Doesn't that count for at LEAST 5 months?!
Thanks for the great post.
That is a fact, the laundry will be the death of me, no doubt about it,
Mark my words, they will someday find my rotting body in the laundry room under a pile
that is one of my favorite quotes. I even had it on my blog for a while. amen!
HA HA HA...too funny - I was just contemplating the piles upon piles of laundry I need to tackle tomorrow...really it will probably be my whole day tomorrow...ugh...
Thanks for popping by my bloggy little world...I love visitors!!
So true!!! I think I may hold the record for how long a load of laundry can stay in the dryer...thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
just wanted to thank you for stopping in and commenting!
That's hilarious! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
this is totally me. i can wash and dry just fine. it's all that dang folding...
Sometimes I think about joining a nudist colony, just so I don't have to do laundry, my mortal enemy. But then I remember those awful dreams where you go to school naked, and wow, I'm just sharing way too much information with you. I'll stop now.
Yes! I agree. I hate laundry! I love that you stopped by and left a comment. I am now a follower and will be back to check you out more frequently!!!
So glad you dropped by!
Love the laundry quote!
That is so true. I have been completely caught up with the laundry once, and it only lasted for about five seconds.
Havent thought of it like that before!
Yep. You get every stitch of material in the house clean, then collapse onto the couch... which has a wet patch on the cushions.
Okay, tell me how you've done it. You just started blogging this past month and you've got 149 followers! Gimme your secret!!!!!!!!!
JUstine :o )
Haha, ain't that the truth! I feel like I'm always doing laundry, I swear it's never ending :-)
Thanks for visting my blog...yours is quite cute!
Isnt that the truth!!!!
Wow! What a great blog! I love the graphics too (especially).
Laundry? I love the quote but thankfully I live in India! The sun is so hot it steam-dries the clothes in minutes. And there's always the guy who comes and collects the clothes for ironing (costs just a few cents in your currency). And when I'm super-lazy there's the neighbourhood 'dhobhi' (washerman) who'll wash, sun-dry and iron my clothes for a pittance.
Funnily enough I enjoy ironing clothes (we all have our little quirks) --- that's when I do all my plotting and planning ;)
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leading me here. I love it when I find blogs that I really enjoy reading :)
Thanks for stopping by. Love your laundry joke. lol
Dang. I've got two loads to fold.
Amen to that, I was all caught up but since the holiday I'm gathering it all up from around the house and looks like 6 more loads.
What a great quote too...gave me a good little chuck this afternoon.
The only one who gpt all his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe!
Laundry is never ending at our house.
Yes, and mine is piling up around us as we speak.
Thanks for the laugh.
What a fantastic saying! I am never caught up with my laundry.
Laundry is the bane of my existence. Seriously. Thanks for the visit!
So very true! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Nice to meet you!
Love this quote. All I have left at home now is husband and one daughter, but with grandkids over all the time, now I have extra clothes for them and when they change, they just leave the next set of clean clothes here. We just went to our last football game. We followed our 2 boys through jr hi, high school and college 13 years and before that was soccer....do you think it is time now to wash all the blankets in my van? Need to get them ready for Track Season....nope...never done. Carol
I love your blog. Glorifying Jesus and fun to read. Good combo!
what a funny quote! Soon, I'm going to post my friend's laundry room - it has verses all over it and I love it. Have a wonderful week. :)
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Abe needs all the prayers he can get right now. Thank you!
When I was married with kids at home, I used to do 2 loads every day and iron whatever was in the wash. The only dirty clothes we ever had were what we had on our backs. Now that I am alone, I do admit, I do have dirty clothes since I only wash once a week. As I have grown older, I have become more lax with things. My hyper days are over. LOL
Nice blog you have here!
(((((( HUGS ))))))
I've never had a tatoo. Nor do I plan on getting one. But if I did... it would be this quote. :)
I LOVE that! It is sooooooooooooo true!
That is so true. This might sound wired but I actually enjoy doing laundry. Now bathrooms thats another story!
I've got to give that quote to my dh. He has told me several times that he has done all the laundry. I've tried to tell him that's just impossible!
Love your blog. Thanks for stopping by.
Is this the truth? It NEVER ends at my house!
i love it!!!! i hate doing laundry. at least i have something to look forward to when i die :)
thanks for stopping by my blog
It's nice to "meet" you! Thanks for popping in and saying hi on Mrs4444 cooks. Since I can see that you are an incredibly busy blog-mom, I'm grateful for your visit :)
So true!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
LOL, I feel like I am drowning in laundry. Hate folding it, hate sorting it, hate putting it in the wash, hate switching it, hate pulling it out. Normally when I do The first steps... my work is ruined because I didn't fold and let them wrinkle!
Ha! That is really funny. I have piles to catch up on since I've been away. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
LOL! Oh my I love this. Laundry is literally taking over my home and my sanity!!!!
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