Thursday, November 6, 2008


I LOVE hugs! Yes I am huggy person! So if you don't want to feel lots of warmth and love and hugs you are visiting the wrong blog :) Ok get this... A couple of weeks ago my sweet Angel Mom that loves hugs too, gave someone in her ward a hug. The lady then told her "You need to be careful about hugging people now days they might take it the wrong way"! Ok... time to listen to me vent for a second... HELLO..."WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE NOW DAYS"? I am going to be ME and I hope you all love me just the way I am! :) BIG BIG (((HUGS)))



i love hugs, too!!!!

you & your momma can just c'mon over heeya for a GROUP HUG!

nikkicrumpet said...

Hugs are good...unless it's some strange guy wearing a tin foil hat...then not so good! And we love your good old huggy self!

rachel said...

This blog is adorable! Thanks for letting me know about your new blog :)

Honey Mommy said...

Hugs are great! My family wasn't that into hugging, but then I had some super-huggy roommates and I joined Huggers Anonymous.

We are very snuggly around here.

Dolly said...

You crack me up! I think I'll borrow a page out of your book-and hug more! I'm also trying to stay calm about my ONE column blog :)

heather said...

I love hugs! Thanks!

And thanks for followin' me too! :)

Laura said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - I love hugs too!

Kathy P said...

Mommy hugs are the very best in the world...

By the way, check out my new Blog Carnival, Angel Friday.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that hugs would be perceived as inappropriate. But you never know... they may have had a traumatic experience sometime in their past. If somebody doesn't like hugs, they still usually love a big smile. :D


Pancake said...

you are kidding me right? Holy cow, that woman needs MORE hugs!!!

Jan said...

Oh brother. What would the world be like without hugs. No way. I hug those that hate hugs and love to watch them squirm. It is a beautiful way to show care. (hugs)

Kristina P. said...

I was at a training today, for my job with at-risk youth, and we talked about hugging gone wrong. Fun topic!

Jillene said...

I am not a hugger. I will hug my hubby and my kids but that is about it. Uuuummmm....o.k. I guess that is untrue. I have hugger friends that hug me and I reciprocate so I guess I hug more than I thought!

Mikki said...

Hugs are the best. Pass out as many as you like, I'll definitely take a few!!
{{HUGS}} back at ya'!!

Amateur Steph said...

I am totally not touchy feely. But hey, if someone hugs me I'm not going to lecture them.

Tamie said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! always nice to have another follower :)
and i'm with you in hugs...i just give 'em!
i'm in primary and i'm huggin' left and right!

RoeH said...

Oh for Pete's sake. Someone's a mighty bit sensitive. I'm not huggy at all but if someone comes up to me in a huggy way I don't collapse with worry that I might think they have some other motive. People are nuts today. I am definately living in the wrong generation. May a hundred or two years ago? Hey. I'd be done now. But I do like plumbing. Decisions!

Erin said...

My kids give me tons of hugs every day. Hugs are the best!

Jen said...

That's CRAZY what your mom's ward member said. I've got a LOT to say on that, but won't. I LOVE hugs. There is nothing better than feeling loved. There is a HUGE difference between feeling loved and molested. Grrr. So here's hugs back to ya! ((HUGS))

Leah said...

Big hugs back! I assume if it was someone in her ward, it was someone she knew rather well, and what the heck is wrong with hugging people you know?? I give my friends hugs everytime we see each other

Shimmy Mom said...

I'm a hugger too.(I end every post and comment with one.) My best friend growing up, though, was NOT. She doesn't like personal contact. So I've learned to feel people out first. But you and your mother are welcome here for a hug anytime.

Lorie said...

If you can't hug someone at church where CAN you hug someone!

kitchenditcher said...

BIG bear (((hugs))) from the Kitchen Ditcher!!! You go girl!!

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't like a big ol bear hug?!

Unknown said...

I ♥ anyone spreading sunshine and love! Keep it up chickie (and that goes for your mom too).

Bren's Life said...

That is just so stupid.. I cna't believe someone would say that.. But I do know people that don't like to be touched or hugged...
And I respect them & don't do it unless I'm goofing off & teasing them..

Da Bergs said...

GOOD grief. I am a hugger too! And, THEY (yes you know who I am talking about) are NOT going to stop me from hugging my FRIENDS!

Anonymous said...

Hugs are great. You always make me feel loved. You're a very special person. Don't ever stop being you.

McCrazys said...

Ha ha... I'm laughing at shimmy mom's comment "I've learned to feel a person out first.." Ha!

Ok but seriously... you know what I hate... when I go in for a hug and then there's the awkwardness (do I hug or don't I hug)and the rejection of the hug which turns into a handshake. Then I just want to crawl into a hole!

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful for you and love you just the way you are! I love your hugs! Thanks for being you :)

Ashley said...

I love hugs too! You're so cute!

Jessica said...

Did you ever see that Free Hugs video on Youtube? It's really fantastic. I'm definitely a hugger :)

tiki_lady said...

Hey, I am a HUGGY person too! sometimes, I might even jump on ya and hug ya, if I'm excited! yep, yep! I do!

Wep said...

I was having a bad day today. I have a quirky friend at work who said "you look like you need a hug. Let me go find someone to give you one."

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

Amy said...

I know exactly what you mean!! I LOVE HUGS!!! I hug just about everyone! Kids, adults, men, women, business associates. In fact, the only ones who are able to leave my house WITHOUT a hug are the elder missionaries! :o)

Really I think what is wrong with the world todayis that there aren't enough people who DO hug! SO keep it up. You and me- changing the world - one hug at a time! (((Hugs))) ;o)

Becky Andrews said...

I agree. A warm hug from someone means the world to me and it is how I share my love too with someone. Sometimes if I sense someone is 'awkward' about a hug I may ask them -- I just feel like giving you a hug is that okay. I think we all need more hugs! Hugs to you on a great, inspiring blog!