What a beautiful picture. THANKS so much for popping by my blog, the bear's send you lots of hugs! I loved your comment about the laundry in your other post! I know just what you mean :) Hugs, Catherine x
Wow, that was a quick way to put it. Thanks for stopping and leaving such a nice comment. I'm glad my post spoke to your heart. Also, I wanted to know if you would mind if I borow the laundry graphic to put on my blog. I think it is just so cute, and with 5 kids and one on the way, I'm always a little behind on the laundry.
Thanks for visiting my blog. And also the tip about ♥ is great! I never knew how to do that. I'll be ♥ ♥ ♥ all over the internet now. Thanks for spreadin' the love!
I love this time of year too. It's a great time to serve others like Jesus did for us. He is the best example of service. We need to remember him in all we do.
It is so important to remember what the season is truly about! Thanks for reminding us and thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a Tigger (and Pooh) fan too :-)
The same thing has been on my mind a lot lately. I love the brilliant colors of that picture. Combines the whimsy of the season with the true meaning. ♥ it! thanks for the lesson on how to make a heart! I've been dying to know that!
Thanks for stopping by... I've visited you before and now I feel GUILTY for not commenting... Sometimes I just like being a fly on the wall. Happy Blogging!! Or happy bouncer-roo to you!
Amen, I love, love, LOVE that pic. I have a figurine on my piano of that. And I have a poem that I'll be posting very soon that sums up my feelings on Santa. Hope that you have a blessed month! *hugs*
Hi there, Hey sorry I have been MIA! I see that you tagged me like forever ago and I haven't been over here to respond. I'm really sorry about that. This year has been a blur and I am praying next year slows down a whole lot. If it wasn't for the Lord I would be a basket case! I do hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving-We did-I am trying to recoup from it still! :) Take Care, Robin~♥
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I see you have only been blogging for about a month now. You have a wonderfull blog!! Isn't it addicting!! It will be nice to get to know you!!!
Thanks for stopping by and your nice comments. I still consider myself very new to blogging but it's SO easy and fun, it makes me keep wanting to continue. Have a blessed season!
159 followers? 71 comments? and you found my blog? how cool. nice to meetcha. in bloggyworld...the more blogger friends the merrier. i'm gonna poke around a bit. that puppy batting his eyes has me curious already.
Thanks for the comment and for stopping by my blog! I love all your quotes and ideas, and I'm loving the ♥ tip I never knew that! I learn something new everyday, thanks for sharing!!
Hi there. Thank you for coming by my blog to say hello!!! Wow, you have lots of comment love over here but this blog is just from November. Did you have another blog???
I love, love-love, this pic. It is so sweet and I love how it combines Santa and Jesus. Happy Monday Sweetie Pie!
My sentiments exactly!
This is our goal this year too...not to get caught up in the commercial aspects of the season but to focus in on our Savior !
How true and thanks for reminding us where our hearts should remain.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. That was so nice of you to leave me a note. Hope you have a blessed day and feel free to come back anytime. :o)
Yes, absolutely! May we focus on the Savior--the reason for this season! Love the picture you chose. Great analogy. Have a great day.
Amen! Thank you for stopping by our blog and introducing yourself. You have a lovely blog. Twyla
I am working on adding a couple of spiritual items into my 12 days of Christmas. Thanks for the reminder!
Amen. I need to keep this in mind as I'm struggling with the garland and lights.
I so agree Shauna. It is the best.
hiya and thanks for stopping by my blog...
now I'm off to scroll backward through yours....
I say AMEN!
Sometimes it's hard to remember Him with all the lights and presents and shopping that goes around, but we definitely know that it's all about Christ.
I love this time of year!
oh so true! Thanks for visiting my blog..hope to see you back soon!
I have a santa room..But under the tree is santa worshipping Jesus...I luv it.
He is the reason and I luv him!!
thx for the reminder
So beautifully put! Thanks, for your nice comments on my blog.
Amen!!!! Amen!!!!!
And thanks for coming by to visit me! There are groaners on Friday, too, that my readers email me -- feel free to join the fun!!!!
What a beautiful picture. THANKS so much for popping by my blog, the bear's send you lots of hugs! I loved your comment about the laundry in your other post! I know just what you mean :) Hugs, Catherine x
Ah...I needed that. I'm starting to stress about presents. I'm just not going to this year.
Wow, that was a quick way to put it. Thanks for stopping and leaving such a nice comment. I'm glad my post spoke to your heart. Also, I wanted to know if you would mind if I borow the laundry graphic to put on my blog. I think it is just so cute, and with 5 kids and one on the way, I'm always a little behind on the laundry.
Thanks for visiting my blog. And also the tip about ♥ is great! I never knew how to do that. I'll be ♥ ♥ ♥ all over the internet now. Thanks for spreadin' the love!
I love this time of year too. It's a great time to serve others like Jesus did for us. He is the best example of service. We need to remember him in all we do.
Yes. Let's do.
love the pic! Thanks for stopping by my blog..yours is cute also :)
THanks for stopping by my blog! I love having new readers and I can't wait to check out more of your blog.
God Bless,
It is so important to remember what the season is truly about! Thanks for reminding us and thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a Tigger (and Pooh) fan too :-)
Shauna, I got the package! You are incredible. Thanks so much. I will be posting pictures soon. Thanks a bazillion times!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
And thanks for the uplifting message today!
Thanks for dropping by my blog :) You can email me anytime at-
dollyroy@hotmail.com ♥ Have a great week :)
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Ditto! I love that stores still play Christmas music this time of year, not just winter music.
The same thing has been on my mind a lot lately. I love the brilliant colors of that picture. Combines the whimsy of the season with the true meaning. ♥ it!
thanks for the lesson on how to make a heart! I've been dying to know that!
Ok my friend, it's posted! You are awesome. ♥♥
Thanks for coming by. I like the pix of Santa kneeling before the baby Jesus.
Oh I love that picture. I agree with you!!
You always post the nicest things.
How true that is Jesus is the reason for the season! Beautiful picture!
Thanks for stopping by...
I've visited you before and now I feel GUILTY for not commenting...
Sometimes I just like being a fly on the wall. Happy Blogging!! Or happy bouncer-roo to you!
What a perfect picture!
Amen to that!
What a sweet picture. :)
I love the picture!
Thanks for the reminder! I have one I'm going to post on my blog in the coming days.
Wow, what a unique picture! I don't think I've ever seen one before of Santa and Jesus together. That's sweet!
What a cute post; it is a perfect reminder. I've been thinking about that same thing a lot lately. :o)
By the way, my package came in the mail today! THANK YOU!! I'll email you when I have pictures posted!!! :o)
Thanks for stopping by! :)
HA! I was going to write AMEN! And, as I started I looked over to the left and that is what Pam wrote! Oh, well... AMEN!
Thank you for this very important reminder! I find myself getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season and forget the true meaning.
Amen, I love, love, LOVE that pic. I have a figurine on my piano of that. And I have a poem that I'll be posting very soon that sums up my feelings on Santa.
Hope that you have a blessed month!
Amen to that!
That is the sweetest picture. I love it.. You have the cutest pictures..
Very true!
What a sweet photo and thought. I got your package today. So fun - thanks! I'll be blogging about it.
I love this thought and picture!
I love that. I hope you are having a good week.
Hi there,
Hey sorry I have been MIA! I see that you tagged me like forever ago and I haven't been over here to respond. I'm really sorry about that. This year has been a blur and I am praying next year slows down a whole lot. If it wasn't for the Lord I would be a basket case! I do hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving-We did-I am trying to recoup from it still! :)
Take Care,
Great post! I agree. I have a porcelain Santa and Christ Child just like this picture. I love it.
Thanks, TIgger. Nice reminder!
I ♥ that picture. I definitely want my boys to understand the Reason for the Season. Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you for this.
Happy December!
Remember Christ is the reason for the Season!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I see you have only been blogging for about a month now. You have a wonderfull blog!! Isn't it addicting!! It will be nice to get to know you!!!
What a precious picture! Every year it seems more difficult to keep the real meaning of Christmas. Thanks for the reminder!
Wonderful picture. Advent is truly a joyous season.
HE IS THE REASON! I want to remember the birth of Jesus this season above everything else! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Thanks for stopping by and your nice comments. I still consider myself very new to blogging but it's SO easy and fun, it makes me keep wanting to continue. Have a blessed season!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is such a true post!
PS - I love Tigger!
I agree and that is my prayer also. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I plan to update it now that I have a break from school.
thanks for visiting our site! you have so many comments! and followers! your site is just so amazing!
This is one of my favorite scenes... reminds us all of the real meaning of Christmas.
Absolutely love the pic! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I truly appreciate it. Can't wait to check out your blog more tomorrow...
I love the graphic and I agree with you..m.
159 followers? 71 comments? and you found my blog? how cool. nice to meetcha. in bloggyworld...the more blogger friends the merrier. i'm gonna poke around a bit. that puppy batting his eyes has me curious already.
thanks for visiting my blog.
I've ALWAYS loved that statue.
Sweet!! thanks for this post. My prayer is the same.
You're right. But I do like focussing on over eating too;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
We (my son and I) really like this picture!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your kind comment! I am always excited to hear from someone new who is enjoying my blog.
Amen sista!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I LOVE that picture and that is so true!!
SO true! Its so easy to get caught up in the shopping and gift giving frenzies and forget what it is all truly about!
Thanks for the comment and for stopping by my blog! I love all your quotes and ideas, and I'm loving the ♥ tip I never knew that! I learn something new everyday, thanks for sharing!!
I have a little statue like this picture. I love it!
My sentiments exactly!
Hello ~ Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment. It's nice to *meet* you. - Love the blog title, BTW....
Happy December!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. What a cute blog you have!
Thanks for visiting! You have a very attractive blog here!
great post
Merry SITSmas
I love this!
Merry SITSmas!
Merry SITSmas! What a beautiful card and sentiment! I hope we all remember this.
Merry SITSmas to you, too! Thanks for the comment on my blog!
On another note....I am a huge TIGGER fan, too! My twitter tag is Tiggsntx! So, I'll definitely be back here!
Oh how true this is! With all the hustle and bustle of the season, many forget what it is all about; the birth of Jesus, our Savior.
this is really cool, so is the prizes. you are really cool too. how do you keep up with it all? take care and happy day. ♥
You said it perfectly! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!
Merry SITSmas to you-thank you for stopping by my blog today!
Merry SITSmas! thanks for stopping by my blog today!
I have a porcelain sculpture of this scene and might just be my favorite Christmas decoration.
A really nice message in the pic. And thank you for coming by and commenting on my blog! Leslie
Merciful heavens!!!! How on earth do you manage to keep up with so many followers? Or even have the time to browse...is that how you found me?
Thankyou for coming over. All the joys of the Christmas season to you.
I love that statue. I gave mine away. I have to find another one. A cuter one. Maybe go to Germany and find one. Yeah.
What a great reminder to all!
I agree, people often forget why we celebrate Christmas.
Thanks for visiting my blog! AMEN to your sentiment.
Thanks for dropping by my blog! Did you say "chocolate" at the top???
Merry Belated SITSmas!
And, what would I do if you hadn't taught us how to make ♥♥♥? I ♥ the little hearts! Thank you again!
I too love this picture. Always trying to find ways to celebrate the TRUE reason for this wonderful time of the year.
He's the reason for the season!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Merry SITSmas! :)
Merry Christmas! That is such a sweet picture!
Thanks for stopping by today.
Thanks for stopping by earlier!! Love this post!
Very, very true!
Thank you for this beautiful post. It is a wonderful reminder of who this season is truly about. I love it, thank you :)
that picture says a lot. i truly think every year we forget more and more what christmas is truly about...
Oh, I just love that picture! So. so true.
Hi there. Thank you for coming by my blog to say hello!!! Wow, you have lots of comment love over here but this blog is just from November. Did you have another blog???
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